Crabby Now

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Crabby is about four months old currently. He is getting bigger and his paws are big for a kitten(teenage cat) so it is suspected he will be a big cat when he's grown up. He gets mad that he cannot climb trees like the neighbor cats. He tries over and over, he tries different ways. Like running and leaping. But nothing works. He is not completely disabled because of his lack of toes and claws. He loves to climb jump on the couches, chairs, and anything. He will just lay there and watch the world go by as if everything he sits on is his throne.

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He was allowed onto his parents bed until about a week ago. Crabby decided he needed to pee. But he didn't feel like walking across the house to go to his litterbox. So his mom woke up to him peeing on the blanket on her feet.

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Crabby was in the kitchen laying behind feet as he loves to do, and as he has always done in the kitchen. He had been warned many times that he might get hurt someday if he always lay in the way. Crabby would not listen to any warnings because he believed he was the king. King of his parents, king of the house, king of the world. While Crabby was laying there his parents got so busy making supper they forgot he was in the same room. Then someone backed up, and it was to late. One of Crabby's front toes broke. He cried and hobbled around the first day. Getting cuddles whenever he could. After a few days of extra attention he did not cry as much and the hobbling faded into a limp. Crabby was indeed more careful when entering rooms and stretching out in the middle of floors.

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