Summer Tears In Paradise

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                                                                                                      Chapter 3: A Father's Pride


Tang Xiao Tian, if you're a man, you cannot let a girl suffer because of you!

Everyone stands in their place in shock, looking at the boy who is holding onto a gun with such a mysterious force that even Shu Yawang cannot tell if the gun is real or fake. She remembered when she first held the gun, it felt the same as the gun her father owned, both of them feeling cold and heavy in her hand.

"I...I don't believe it's real." Cheng Wei sputters out, a drop of sweat falling down from his forehead.

"So, that means you want to try it for yourself, correct?" Xia Mu calmly asks him. The corner of his lips lifts up slightly and Yawang gulp nervously. It's real.

"It looks just like the real one, I don't believe-"

"Do you know who his grandfather is?! If he brings a machine gun instead of a handgun, it's highly possible that it's real!" Yawang yells out.

"But even if it's real, he wouldn't dare to fire." Cheng Wei reply with a shaky breath, his body stiffens from the fear.

"Really?" Xia Mu asks, his finger reaching for the trigger.

"Hey. Hey, Xia Mu!" Yawang calls out his name nervously. This kid, he's always so quiet and mysterious. When he looks at you without saying a word, you can get goosebumps. Xia Mu flicks his wrist and tilts his head.

"Bang." He murmurs softly.

"Ah!" Cheng Wei screams, falling to the ground and sliding backwards in fear. He breathes out heavily and glares at Xia Mu.

"Coward." Xia Mu chuckles. Cheng Wei points a finger at him in outrage, and at that time, two beams of light cast upon them. It's a military vehicle that's heading their direction. A man in a military uniform steps out from the vehicle when it stops by them. Xia Mu turns his head back and look at the man, then puts his gun away. The man in the uniform walk towards Yawang and Xia Mu.

"Get in the car." He order. Yawang nods her head and pulls Xia Mu towards the car. When they reach to the side, Zhang Jing Yu's head pop out from the car window.

"You guys alright?" Apparently, when Jing Yu is walking back to the internet cafe, he sees them being dragged out by these hoodlums. He wants to call the police at first, but the cafe owner tell him not to, afraid that Cheng Wei and his men will damage his cafe if they call the police. So Jing Yu have no choice but to call Xiao Tian's dad for help. He thought that since Xiao Tian's dad is the regimental commander, he will bring a lot of people, but when he waited for the vehicle to arrive, he saw there was only one person in it!

"Can Uncle Tang fight all of them?" Zhang Jing Yu asks warily.

"Don't worry, Uncle Tang was trained in the special forces, these guys are nothing to him."

"No wonder Xiao Tian fights so well."

"My ass! He made me got slapped! He better compensate me afterwards." Yawang grumbles, rubbing her arms that block Cheng Wei's forceful slap. She turns her head back to Xia Mu who's been sitting silently.

"Thank you, Xia Mu." Xia Mu looks back at her, not saying a word. She squirms closer to him and whispers,

"Where did you get the gun from? It's really dangerous, you shouldn't carry it all the time."

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