An unknown broadcast

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"Hello? Hello is anyone there? Come on god damn it!" The voice is crackly and distorted through the message. The voice is identifiable as a female. The female is scared, for reasons unknown. "Come on, come on, come on!" Button pressing is heard as are the frantic breaths of her voice. 

"Where is my mommy?" Is heard in the distance, also female, young. Exactly how young is unknown also, but sounds distinctly childish.

"Not now! just, in a sec sweetie!" The female again. Her voice yet more frantic and scared. Her movement being heard in the room she occupies. The movements are rapid, like she is searching for something. There is a loud slam of something on metal from a distance and her voice is heard again. This time much closer to the microphone and calm all of a sudden. "I know there is someone on this line and so help me god if they do not let us the fuck out of this place." There is brief silence. "Well, I'm going to assume you know who i am, so you know what i'll do." 

"You said my mommy was going to be here!" The distant child again, angry. Obviously speaking to the female. 

"I know i did sweetie, i know i did. once we get out you will see her. i promise." The female sounds frightened again. Her voice now targeted at the child. Her voice Soothing yet highly on edge.

"You lied! I knew you would!" The child is clearly aggravated and the female desperately tries to calm her down. "I. want. my. mommy!" The child screams. The screaming grows louder and louder until there is nothing. Then a sudden loud noise and everything is heard being thrown about and impacting on the walls with aggressive thuds. There is absolute silence. From the female and the child.

"I wish i could tell you that you were close Amy, but like you said, i know everything about you." Comes a voice through the speakers of the room.

The transmission ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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