Chapter 1

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ღ Quentin's pov ღ

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since I've seen my sister and no one seems to care. The police dismissed the idea of kidnap and my parents seem to think she ran away after they threatened to send her to a boarding school. I just wish Roxy was here with me and laughing at how worried I am. I want her to barge in through the door and be as sassy as she has always been. I can't believe I actually miss her sass!

"Quentin, you'll be late for school!" My mother warned me.

I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the front door. "School doesn't seem as important now that Roxy is missing."

"Your sister is not missing!" My dad said. "She's probably somewhere safe trying to scare us because she doesn't want to go to boarding school."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my car. I opened the door and got inside so I couldn't get detention for arriving late.

ღ Flashback (Roxy's pov) ღ

I arrived late in class and everyone just stared at me. To be perfectly honest, I was outside smoking a cigarette.

"You're late, Roxanne!" My calculus teacher pointed out.

I shrugged. "Define late! Many people consider being one minute late to be alright..."

She interrupted me. "You're 10 minutes late!" She sighed. "Your grades are nowhere near good enough for you to pass, you always get in trouble and you arrive late in every single class. This will not stand!"

I looked at her with my big blue eyes. "Mrs. Greenfield, the whole educational system is corrupt and it will soon become obsolete due to old hags like you." The whole class laughed and I smirked.

"You give me no choice Miss Chambers. You have detention after class!" She signed the detation slip which would be handed to the principal and I sat on the back of the class as usual.

After class, I arrived at detention and Greg was there. This school was really crappy! Due to budget cuts, it had no cameras inside the classrooms and the only ones were only in the front entrance, the football field and the principal's office. I was fine with that but it shows just how classy this school really is.

"You have one hour of detention. I will be back and you better behave!" The teacher said.

Greg was my former 'buddy' and my best friend Ludmilla's ex-boyfriend. I know it makes me look like a bad person but I was with Greg while he was dating Milla.

I walked to his desk and sat on top of it. "Why are you in detention?" I grinned devious.

"It's none of your business." He said while still doodling.

I took his pencil and he looked at me. "I'm gonna ask again. Why are you in detention?"

He sighed. "I pranked my english teacher so I got detention. Happy?" He reached for the pencil but I got up.

"Not even close." I dropped the pencil and when he was going to pick it up I kissed him.

He pulled away and grabbed my arms. "Are you crazy? You cost me the best relationship I have ever had and you're not good for me."

"I'm not good for you?" I was shocked.

"Roxy, you're manipulative and sneaky. You were never honest with me and I really liked you even though you treated me like a boy toy." He stared at me. "I deserve more than that. I deserve someone who isn't as selfish as you are."

He sat on his chair again and I walked back to my seat. Greg never treated me like that before. He worshipped me and now he's acting like I'm the worst person in the world.

ღ Quentin's pov ღ

It took forever for the bell to ring and all the classes seemed extra long. I usually love school but I'm so worried about my sister that I just can't bring myself to actually enjoy it.

"Hey Q!" Kristen said. "Are you feeling better?"

"Not really. My parents won't even try to look for Roxy and it's driving me insane. I just wish I could search for her instead of coming here everyday." I sighed.

Kristen held my hand and gave me a comforting smile. "Everything will be fine! And if you need anyone to speak to you can count on me."

I smiled slightly and squeezed her hand gently. "Thank you Kris."

She kissed my cheek and left. After that, Charlie, Haley and Ludmilla approached me. Charlie had a huge smirk on his face and the girls looked worried.

"Do you have any news from Roxy?" Haley asked.

"No. She didn't text, call or email me yet. I believe something happened to her but no one seems to hear me." I said a little upset.

"Alright, Roxy ran away before but never for so long. Your parents were hard on her but she wouldn't do this to you." Charlie pointed out.

Ludmilla looked at us concerned. "I'm worried about her. She usually texts me and Haley when she runs away so we can cover for her but not this time."

"Yeah. Roxy always includes us in her crazy schemes and she didn't do it this time." She sighed and sat on the bench.

"She probably met a guy." Charlie laughed.

Haley punched him in the arm. "Roxy would've told us! She may be in danger or something like that." Haley got up with a determined look on her face. "I propose a road trip so we can find her."

Ludmilla smiled and linked arms with Haley. "I agree."

Charlie smirked. "I'm always up for a road trip."

"Am I the only rational person here? We have the graduation cerimony in a week, Charlie." I raised an eyebrow.

"Dude, she's your sister and you're worried about graduation?"

I paused for a moment and then crossed my arms. "You're right! Roxy always comes first and I'm in." I smiled and we started discussing the details of our road trip.

We decided to go during this weekend and I was in charge of snooping on my sister's things to see if she left any clue or if the girls could figure out where she would go. I already got into my dream college so I didn't have much to worry about, except the final exam but we would be done by then. At least I hoped!

Why would Roxy disappear like this? I just want my little sister back with all her sass, schemes and crazy adventures. I want the old Roxy back! The one that could get away with anything and didn't have to worry about going to a boarding school in London.

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