Chapter 2

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ღ Quentin's pov ღ

I was in my room with the door open when my mom walked in with two letters in her hand. "guess what arrived today!" She was smiling and waving the letters in front of my face.

"What?" I asked uninterested.

She sat on my bed next to my desk. "Two more acceptance letters to Stanford and Cornell." She put her hand on my leg. "Isn't that great?"

I stood up. "It would be great if Roxy was here to celebrate with me. Don't you care about your daughter?"

"Of course I care! Roxy is just being difficult. You know she loves the attention."

I sighed. "What if something happened to her?"

"Everything is fine! Roxy knows how to take care of herself." She looked at me with confidence.

"Hey champ!" My dad smiled. "I just saw Charlie Atkinson and he told me you were all planning a road trip. Is that true?"

"Yes. We're gonna look for Roxy and make sure she's alright." I said with determination.

My mom stood up in frustration. "What about graduation? You can't just leave! You're valedictorian, Quentin."

"I don't care about that!" I lied but I had to do it for Roxy. "My sister might be in trouble and no one cares but me."

"We care!" My dad raised his voice.

I laughed sarcastically. "Your demonstration of affection towards my sister is touching! You two should win an award for parents of the year."

I grabbed my backpack and decided to go to the library in order to clear my head. My parents didn't care about my sister but I do and I'm going to find her no matter what. Graduation was supposed to be the most important day of my life but it didn't mean a thing without my bratty little sister.

ღ Flashback (Roxy's pov) ღ

Charlie and Haley invited me to go to this club called The Sub and I was really excited, especially after the dreadful dinner I just had. My parents got mad at me because of the whole detention situation and compared to my perfect brother. I'm not Quentin but they wish I was more like him which totally hurts my feelings! He has a perfect GPA score, is on the run to be valedictorian and he got his first acceptance letter to Columbia, his safety school. Who has Columbia as a safety school? Stuck up jerks who think they can rule the world! I love Q but he's too perfect and that makes me the black sheep of the family.

I waited until everyone went to sleep and changed into my club outfit. I climbed out the window and texted Haley, warning her that I was ready. A few minutes later, Charlie's car pulled up one block away from my house. "Ready to party?" Haley asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Always." I said smirking while I was seating in the back of the car.

"Let's go then!" Charlie blasted out the stereo and drove away.

Charlie parked two blocks from where the club was and we had to walk all the way to the place. i'll explain now! So this club is... illegal. We go there for the rush and the booze. You see, the bouncer let's us in even though we're underage and the bartender always gives us drinks. The club works under a convenience store that is apparently owned but some shady people.

We entered the club by the passage that leads to it in the back door. Everyone was dancing, drinking, kissing and having a good time just the way I wanted to do. "Which guy do you pick tonight?" Haley taunted me. She knows I always hook up here. Shame on me!

"The night is still young, Hales." I grinned and noticed a cute blonde guy. He looked like a catalog model for Abercrombie & Fitch.

I went to the bar and the bartender handed me a vodka soda. He knows that's my usual drink. "Another one for this girl after she's finished with this one." The Abercrombie model said and sat next to me and the bartended nodded. "My name is Neil." He smiled.

I turned to him and smirked. "I don't need to know your name and you don't need to know mine. We'll just have a few drinks, dance and then have sex. You will leave this place thinking this night was amazing, because it will be, and we'll never see each other again. That's how little I care about your life. I live in the moment!"

He took the shot and held my hand leading me to the dance floor. Charlie and Haley we're dancing next to us and then I kissed the Abercrombie model.

A few hours later, the police walked in and everyone started running. Haley and Charlie tried to run along with me but two officers caught up to us and arrested. Great! First I get detention and now I get arrested. My parents will love this!

ღ Quentin's pov ღ

I was walking home from the library after two hours of studying and trying to forget my parents' disregard for Roxy's safety.

"Hey Q!" Kristen said with her angel voice.

I smiled. "Hi!"

"How are things with... You know?" She seemed uncertain.

"With Roxy. Well, everything's the same except now my parents are being completely aloof. I don't understand, really. She's their daughter!" I was getting upset.

Kristen touched my forearm and looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "Roxy is a difficult person but you're right to be worried about her. Your parents will come around."

"Thanks."I smiled and walked her home. She lived across from me and we always walked home together.

I arrived home and walked to my room so I could relax a bit. All this worry and school was stressing me out. Roxy's room was just across the hall and I decided to take a look.

I opened the door and I noticed her messy room. It made me smile because I used to make fun of her mess and she would reply that she had everything in place. Why did I have to be such a jerk to her? I sat on her bed on top of some of her clothes and noticed her diary on top of her nightstand. I was tempted to open it in order to find a clue as to where she was but instead I took it to my room and locked it inside my desk drawer. I had to find Roxy fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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