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The swift graceful wind of an arrow tumbled across the field, digging the sharp iron tip through the wooden slab a man grasped tightly. And immediately after the shot, a heavy swing of a brute added to the stagger of the shield barrier. However, what was not expected was the sheer stroke of pain that tore through the man's torso just seconds after the swing, the owner of the now blood stained blade stomping from behind the fallen body.

"We can't hold these positions for long!" He cried out to the other, who now partook in using his heavy blade as a club to two nearby opponents. "We need to retreat!"

The other, now finished with the group, swung about, face grinning with blood, "I seem to be having no trouble," the other ducked, the iron sword cutting down an enemy just behind, "Our troop's skill surely surpasses theirs." A added chuckle to a dodge of an arrow.

"It's not their swordsmen I'm worried about--" another break of breath as the two piled into a wave of bodies, only a few behind dashing to assist. "It's their numbers... our scouts far underestimated them." A duck from an upcoming attack, "not to mention the archers, we can't fend them off long enough!"

"Damn imperials..." the massive one coughed, "very well, order the retreat, but we know that its merely temporary." Yet another smile leak of his red cheeks, "Jonathan wouldn't be pleased if we just let them march to the villages after all."

At the order, the two nodded, and one echoed over the endless booms of battle, "RETREAT! FALL BACK TO THE RIVER!" Moments later a good deal of troops flooding from the field and back to a line of trees not far out--arrows scrapping a few down and victorious cheers thundering to the thick grey sky.

Reborn Skies Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang