Dance the night away

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*Elises point of view*

We all stood in together laughing and talking when we heard the chiming of a glass - we turned to see a waitor on a chair preparing to say something

'the ball room is revealed' he called as once again the curtain was ripped down

we all oohed and ahhed as we took in the beautiful room - draped in decor, outlined with plush sofas and chairs, a live band on the stage and a huge glittering disco ball above the dance floor.

The band kicked off with a jazzy number and we all sprinted in false jiving and spinning I grabbed Sophies hands and we twirled around squealing.

The whole room was full of people - some witting around takling and laughing on the seats others joining us on the dance floor.

The atmosphere was incredable, eletric even. I struggled to beleieve how bad my day had been earlier. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as Sophie dragged me across the floor still bopping away to join Louise and Zoe where we broke in to mad disco fever dancing, leaping, singign screaming and all holding hands

Is this reality? (Youtuber fanfiction - Alfie Deyes, Jack and Finn Harries)Where stories live. Discover now