Chapter 1

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(Lynn POV)
Only 10 minutes left in this hell hole known as school. 10 minutes until o can be reunited with Brian and Alex for band practice. 10 minutes until I can be reunited with my passion, my life, my music. Music is the only thing in my life that keeps me going. I'm not exactly popular in school, I'm the loner who everybody just ignores. My lunch, breaks and free periods are just spent writing ideas for new music ideas and thinking about where our band could end up. I'm always told never to dream too big, but I wanted to dream big. Being in a successful band has and always will be my biggest dream in life and I'm so determined to prove to everyone that I can achieve something in life.

-Authours note-
So yeah, this is the first chapter. As I have said I don't really know how this books going to go. I just wanted to write a book about the things I love most. If you have any ideas they would be appreciated massivley and you will be given credit :)

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