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Ava's POV
Hi guys just warning that there will be abuse in this chapter (poor Ava)

He was so strong and had changed a lot. He now had blonde hair and was more muscular, but that didn't changed the fact that he had dragged me into the garden against my will. Great there was no one outside I suddenly didn't feel safe anymore.

" oiiii so, you obviously remember me" he said.

I looked down at the floor, I hated looking in his eyes. He scared me so much.

"Answer me !!!" He was now shouting at me.

As I looked up at him his hand hit me in the face. He had punched me.

As much as I couldn't believe what he just done it didn't surprise me, this is the reason I left him.

"I told you to answer me!"

"Yes, I remember you Ash." I whispered

"Good" he started to chuckle.

I knew what was going to happen so I scrunched up my face and closed my eyes tightly as I turned around.

He kicked me and punched my ribs.

I know what you are all thinking, Were has cocky Ava who doesn't let anyone talk down to her gone?

We all have are own fears. Most people are scared of the dark or heights. My fear was Ash.

I would never answer him back or punch him back. I would just freeze. Not Showing any emotion. I think that annoyed him even more, that he couldn't make my cry. (Until I got home)

He hit me until I fell onto the grass and then started to kick my cold, damp body.

I must of had a deth wish / or just bee really drunk because while I was laying on the ground I whispered to myself "I wish Jai was here and that I had listened to him"

And when I realised what I had said I was to late. Ash herd. I just closed my eyes until I couldn't feel anything anymore.


Morning after

I felt a lot safer here the nurses were very kind and helpful.
(After the party Daniel came outside to cleanup and he thought I was dead) ps I didn't tell him about Ash because Ash is unpractical and could hurt my friends. He called the Brooks and Gina took me to hospital. I've been here a day now and they say I can go home later today when the results of my X-Ray has come back.

Although at first I hoped 'the incident' was a dream it was too much like Ash to be false.

After the X-Ray came out good I collected my clothes and put them in my bag. I noticed that in my shorts pockets there was a peace of paper, I unfolded it and read it.

Okay this was bad. I turned to walk out but bumped into Jai.

"You feeling better?" He asked
"Yep" I said looking down at the purple and blue bruises on my arms.
"I'd hate to say I told you so........ But I did!"
I smiled walking out of the room. He grabbed my hand pulled the paper out of it.

"Jai give it now!"
"Jai give it"
"For f*** sake Jai give it" i said but it was to late.

Dear Ava, Jai read out

I hope you don't  feel that  bad in the morning although after the sixth hard kick to your head you passed out, so you by the time you are reading this you probably have a really bad headache. Anyway met me at the state park on Sunday at 10pm sharp, and if you don't turn up I followed the taxi that Kaysy got in and I now know where she lives so just remember that, and if you show this to the police they have no evidence. Ps if you want bring you so called boyfriend Jay with you and I will beat him up as well x

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