Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V.

          So... I enrolled in this school... I'm lucky I guess? A lot of smart and amazing people graduated from here but I'm definitely not one of them. Bruh I'm an independent thug woman! Ain't anybody got dem skills like me! Anyways, it's the first day of school and I'm assigned in Class A? I heard Class A has really really smart people. How did I get there? I have no idea.

I entered the classroom seeing... A bunch of people stuck on their books advance studying. This seems... Strange.... Then this guy walks up to me and greets me. He said he's the top 1 Asano guy... Meh. He grabs my right hand and kisses it. The heck.

"You must be (l/n) (y/n). Nice to meet you." Asano then lets go of my hand.
"The pleasure is all mine?" I replied to him the politest way possible. He seems like an okay person.
"I never knew you would be such a fine lady." He compliments me. I changed my mind, he bad.
"T-thank you?" But I honestly thought in my mind, Lady?  I'm a thug!
"I would like to give you a tour around the school but why not go on a date with me? I'm rich and good looking. I can give you anything you want. You cant deny this opportunity." He attempts to ask me out.

          Jeez he's annoying. I'm not even into guys. Luckily the bell rang before I could react violently. I went to the back seat but then Asano dragged me with him to sit beside him. Clingy bastard.

"I will make you fall for me no matter what it takes." He whispers in my ear.

          That's creepy. Anyway, we begin with— Chemistry test on the first day?  The hell is this? What crazy ass school would do such a thing? This school apparently. I don't know anything on the test so I guessed everything. That's what I did during enrollment. I never saw my results on that test though.

The period ended and the test was surprisingly easy for me. I don't know how but yeah. I stared at the window of our classroom and I saw a mountain with an old looking classroom on it. Why is it still there? Is it haunted or something?

Asano then puts his hand on my shoulder and asked, " Have you heard of Class E?"
"Class E?" I asked, " I thought there's only four classrooms. No one told me about the fifth."
"Class E is basically the outcasted class. They're brainless barbarians who are useless in society. Their grades are low, their attitude is fowl, they even disrespect the school."
Sounds like a place I would able to be chill with, I thought to myself.
"Sounds... Bad?" I spoke up.
"They are bad. This is why I will not let anything bad to you if you will be mine."
"Sorry but—" I was cut off by the next teacher entering the room. This will be a long day.

After all those boring subjects, lunch has begun and I was able to ditch Asano. Thank the lord. I bought my lunch in the canteen then I began to look for an area to eat. I spot a nice tree near the mountain to sit under so I sat there.

"ITADAKIMASU!" And I began to eat.
"Huh? I never knew someone from there would find this tree." A male voice spoke.

I looked up and I saw a redhead. A redhead guy. He looks interesting.

"This is my tree and you're the first one to find it."
"I don't remember anyone reserving trees." I chuckle.
"Well it's a thing."
"Since when?"

          We laughed at our convo. This is the first time I'm talking to a normal person, a person who isn't stuck with their notebooks at their faces. Suddenly, Asano arrived with an angry expression.

"Oh hello there Asa—"
"Quiet Karma. Why are you here talking to (y/n)?"
"(y/n)? What a nice name. She just so happened to be eating her lunch under my tree."
"Y-your tree? I own all the trees."
"Correction, your dad owns all the trees within your school area. This tree is from the mountains."
"Shut up! You have no right to speak with me Class E student. I'm top one."
"Well 'top one', I'm also a top two who can rip your throat out with no hesitation."


"Just because you killed a teacher it doesn't mean you can kill me."

          I love the redhead now. You're my freaking idol.

" Oh really?"
" Wanna fight me?"
"Oh sure~" he said sadistically.

          They get ready for the fist fight until—

"Hey Karma! We need to head back— are you about to beat them up?" A blue haired girl walked in— oh wait he's a guy...
"Fine then, see you later (y/n)."
"Don't 'see you later' her! She will be mine!"
" Oh really? Then why does she look like she's about to throw up?"
"Maybe the crappy cafeteria food."
"See? She hates you now."
"Ugh! Let's go!" Then Asano drags me back to the class but—
"Don't do that to a girl of she hates you" Karma grabs by other arm.
" LET GO OF ME!" Then I kicked his balls, Asano's balls.
"FFF***CCCKKK!!!" He screams and let's go of me so he can comfort his...pain.
"Oh my god..." The blue haired guy commented.
" Look Mr. Top one, I don't care about you, your looks, your popularity, and your grades! You act like one hella of a clingy creep. I will never have an interest in you."

          Everyone stayed silent for awhile until the principal walked in. He told me to go to his office now with Asano because of "something".

"Asano, I'm very disappointed in you for treating a maiden like that. I taught you better. Sadly I can't put you in Class E because I don't want anyone to think that MY son is a failure. They'll also think I'm a failure. Now for you (y/n) , you kicked my son's... Balls? That's a none ladylike thing to do and very rude at the same time—"
" Yes I understand your current situation but you could've said one magic word," he then goes beside my ear with a bloodlust in the atmosphere between us," Please. You're a new student and you should be able to give at least some respect to your new school. I don't go easy on thugs like you but since it was my son's fault, I'll let it slide. One more mess up and you're ending in that hellish classroom, Class E, where you will spend your day with hellish teachers, barbarians, and murderers. Would you like that?"
"Ye— I mean no sir." I felt like a chill was forced up my spine. I really wanted to say yes though cause honesty is the best policy!
"One last chance." Then he goes back to his chair.

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