Once opon a time

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Once opon a time there was a horse named Jake
Jack liked cookies, Applesauce,  the night sky, kittens, puppies, the smell of roses, and eating the souls of young children.
One night, Jack went out to buy some cookies for his collection under his bed. He went to the gas station,  smashed through the window,  and went to the cookie bar.
The cookie barista looked at him, "The usual?'
"YESSSS." Jack screamed
The barista slowly looked away and grabbed his credit card, swiping it and handing jack the dark blue dyed cookie.
The horse bit the cookie and the barista's hand with it, tearing it off. The barista began to cry, as you usually do when you lose your hand to an anamorphic horse.
Jack then stood up and left the gas station, galloping back to his bed where he grabbed a book and wrote of page 353 directly on top of the word "Scientists" "Cubeism is facism for squares."
He then put the book down and fell asleep on top of his piles of soulless young children.

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