Jack eats all the rabbits

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Jack sat on the bench. Jack had a gun. Jack was waiting for the rabbits. Rabbits, Jack liked rabbits. Or maybe apples, walking, talking, apples. But probably Rabbits,dqbbits were better than apples. Apples were stupid. Jack prefered Rabbits.
There was a rabbit
Jack shot the rabbit
Jack ate the rabbit's guts
Jack shot all the rabbits
Jack has eaten every rabbit in the world
Jack is the horse version of satan
Jack is cool
Jack likes beans
Jack is cool beans
Jack listened to Miley Cyrus
Jack licked a few cookies
Jack ate the other hand of the barista
Jack ate all your magazines
Jack ate the soul of your youngest sibling (including yourself)
Jack made a movie studio
Jack made multiple blockbusters
Jack made a movie that was above its time
Jack's movie flopped
Jack's movie studio went bankrupt.
Jack lost his home
Jack ate another cookie
Jack ate a fish
Jack lived in a box
Jack shot a man
Jack stole the man's money
Jack shot 483 more people
Jack is now rich
Jack bought a house
Jack found a horse
Jack has feelings for the horse
Jack proposed to the horse
Jack is now engaged
Jack's marriage ceremony was a mess
Jack got married
Jack had 23 children
Jack's wife died in a terrible accident
Jack ate his children

The next day Jack went back to the park to eat some more rabbits.



Jack stared at the apple. The Apple stared back. Jack slapped the apple. The apple screeched with the fury of a thousand mountains goats. The apple slapped jack to the moon. Jack sat on the moon. Jack used his horse satan powers to drag the living apple to him. The apple pulled out a sword. Jack pulled out a My little pony figurine. The pony's name was Applejack.
Jack used this toy to control the apple partially. The Apple got out of Jack's control . The apple grabbed Applejack. The apple controlled Jack with the doll.
The apple went back to earth. The apple was riding on jack. "Onward my son, thy mustn't be slow." The apple said

The apple used the applejack doll to control every apple and every thing named jack. He used these creatures as slaves. The apple started to destroy the others. The apple smiled.
Jack neiged loudly. Jack broke the spell. Jack ate the apple. Jack is the god of earth now. Jack gets really cool sunglasses for being the god of earth. Jack ate his sunglasses. Jack poofed more sunglasses. Jack ate the sunglasses. Jack has eyes.

Jack will destroy humanity.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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