Chapter 1

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It’s pretty bad how few I’ve seen of London so far. I moved here a few months ago and basically everything I’ve seen are the four walls of my apartment. And university. But that’s about it. Tourists have seen more of London than I have in all this time.

Ashlyn Quinn    @itsAshlynQuinn

Had my last exam this morning! Time to enjoy London for a change! Finally!!

10 seconds ago via Web

I used to study at the University of Sheffield. I loved it there, I loved the people and I loved the environment. But my dream had always been, somehow, to go to London, certainly for my Master degree next year. So after a long period of arranging things I managed to transfer here, to London, and living one of the dreams I have. Just, I barely noticed I was living in London, as I was always too busy. But not anymore. Break. Finally.

I turned around in my seat and checked out my apartment. My parents had arranged it for me so I could focus properly on college. In college dorms you always have house mates, parties till late in the morning and all that kind of stuff. My apartment wasn’t that close by as the student dorms, but it was mine, my own. I could do what I wanted, make up my own rules and yes, study properly without too much distraction. The only bad thing was that my friends lived further away, as most of them lived on campus. But I accepted that and it’s all good.

I rose from the chair at the dinner table, on which only my laptop was now I had just cleaned it. Only a few hours ago it was still covered with all kinds of papers and notes and stuff for college. But now that was all stocked at the bottom of my bookshelves. I had a college break; right now I didn’t want to have anything near that reminded me of things I’d have to do again in several weeks. There was just one problem: where did I leave my phone?

I traced back my steps from while I was cleaning. I passed the door to my bedroom and walked towards the bookshelves in the living room part of the apartment. The bottom shelves of the two bookcases were filled with university stuff, the top shelves with DVD’s and the rest with books and some photo frames. On one of the shelves in the middle, in front of the frame that contained a photo of me with my two year old sister, I found my iPhone back.

I didn’t wait till I took a seat on the couch before calling ‘Hannah’ from my contact list. Hannah was my best friend here in London since the very first week, even though we barely have had any classes together.

“Hi Hun!” sounded Hannah’s happy voice through the phone. “What’s up?”

I took a deep breath. “Don’t start yelling okay?” I begged, biting my lip.

“Why?” I could hear the excitement in her voice even though she had no idea what was going on.

“I need to go shopping now exams are done. I need ne-”

“WHEN ARE YOU GOING? DON’T LEAVE WITHOUT ME!” That was typically Hannah, the fashionable one of the two of us. She was always willing to go out shopping for clothes, unlike me. But having her with me made it always more fun and I needed her advices.

“Meet me there in… half an hour?” I suggested.

“I’ll be there! Possibly in twenty if I can find my purse right away.” I heard some stumbling in the background.

“See you in half an hour, Han,” I smiled.

“See you in twenty!” And before I could reply to Hannah she had disconnected our conversation.

This wasn’t checking out London, not yet, but now I could ask Hannah to join me. Besides: going now would leave me with only rush time for sightseeing. Hannah knew London, she could be my guide. And that way I would see all the great things in London, not just the sightseeing’s and other stuff tourists know. After all I couldn’t call myself a tourist in London anymore; I had to start calling London my town.

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