Chapter 3

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Beccas p.o.v

The next morning I woke and went and took a shower.

~After shower~

I got dress I put on a black noodle strap bra and black undies a ptv tank top black skinnys and my gray toms.
I brushed my hair then straighten it then put some gel in it then went to the front of the bus and grabbed a banana and went and put in the longest yard (2005) and sat down

Some time later the guys came in.
They Tryed talking to me

"Hush yalls face my man's on"

Jamie looked it was at the ping pong part.

"You like the grate khile?"

I looked at him a sec then said

"I don't like him...I love him he is bae number 2"

Vic looked at me like I was crazy.
Then said "how many ^bae's'^ do you have?"

"4" I simply just say

Dad walked in and said
"And they are?"

Still not looking from the tv I say
"My bff Victoria, you know number 2, Johnny Depp, and Jack Black and that don't count for bands "

Mike said "okay what about band"

I pause my movie and lucky me it was on my man
I said "for bands hmm Oliver Sky's, um Jinxx(from bvb) um *points to Jamie* um that it I believe" I looked at the guys and I see Jamie blushing.

Then I told them to hush and played my movie

Then there was a knock at the door
"Ahhh!!! Can't I watch my movie in peace please" I went and open the door there standing with Ronnie was my mom?
"" I said almost in tears
She hugged me and said "hey my sweet baby girl"

Dad came out and he looked like he was about to brake I let go of mom.
Dad said "R...Roxy!?!?"

Mom looked a little hurt but said "hello Tony"
Dad finally broke and hugged mom while crying.

I went back in side and took my movie to the back lounge and lock the door to finally have my peace in watching my movie.

Today we left tour warp tour is over nooooo!!!!!! But on the bright side in two days it will be Halloween YAY!!!
We finally got home sense it was early we still could go get costumes YAY!!

We went to the closes Wal-Mart to look for the stuff we needed.

3 hrs later @~@

Beccas p.o.v

I'm very mad right now NO FREAKING COSTUMES IN MY SIZES WTF!!! Ugh

I decided I wanted to go as a panda but they only had a little kid costume for a panda so lucky pj part of Wal-Mart had the perfect panda

So this is ever ones costumes

Dad,Jamie,Mike,Vic: the four ninja turtles

Andy, and Juliet: Bateman and bat girl

Cc: unicorn

Jinxx: Vampire

Sammie: which (a sexy one as Jinxx says C: )

Me: panda! ❤

Mom: Cop

Ronnie: Prisoner

Ash: gangster
Jake: a panda also


Becca p.o.v

We got back home with the costumes.
I put mine in the closet and feed moon and star.

Moon had been acting weird so I decided to take her to the vet.

2 hrs later

So we're back home now apparently my moon will be having puppys yay!

I was laying down watching the labyrinth when mom came in my room she layed with me and watched it she played with my hair as I slowly feel asleep.


I was dressed as Sarah it was the part of the movie were as the world falls down plays. I dances with Jarath it was amazing I felt happy but I knew it was all false so I did what Sarah did then it skipped to were Jarath asked me to stay I told him return my brother Toby and I will stay he did so and I lived with him it was beautiful Jarath went to kiss me then black

I woke up and sighed 'just a dream' I thought. I looked at the time it was *2:17 am* I turn the labyrinth back on then fell back asleep.
^How you turn my world you preshes thing, you starve and ner exzost me, ever thing I've done I've done for you, I move the stars for no one, you run so long you run so far, your eyes can be so cruel, just as I can be so cruel, no I do believe in you, yes I do, live with out your sun light, love with out your heart beat, I I can't live with in you^

My alarm clock went off. I woke up and sighed again. I got up and got dress I had school.

I grab my bag and started the walk to school.

~Skip walk to school~

Yep lots of stares grait.

"Just keep walking walking what do we do we walk walk walk" I say out loud when I ran into some one and fell over

"Ow that hurt" I say

The person turns "oh my gosh I'm so sorry" they lift me up I got a good look at him

'He was cute'I thought

"Hi my name is Jarath and I'm really sorry"

" I'm becca but I like eather Sarah or Ivry so you pick and it's fine"

"I actually like Sarah better so I'll call you Sarah and no please let me make it up to you how about you come to my Halloween party tonight" he said handing me a piece of paper

"Sure I'd love to" I said looking at the paper seeing his number so I wrote it on my phone as the bell rang

"Hey what classes you got" he asked I handed him my paper

"Oh cool you have all classes with me come on I'll show you the way"
He took my hand and we were off to the class.

~Skip to at home~

I decided to dress like Sarah from the labyrinth when she's in the dress when the song As the world falls down

~Skip mom helping me get ready~

I took a look in the mirrow and I was the spitting image of her I gotten a text saying the party started at 9:00 pm it was 8:55 pm so I decided to go ahead and leave.

~Skip drive bcs I feel like it~

I went inside and went what I guess was the ball room and every one look just as in the labyrinth.

I look for Jarath but soon latter found him and he dressed just like the goblin king.

As we danced he sang along to as the world falls down.

~Some time later~

The song ended we were now walking.

"So Sarah"
"Yes" I said
"Um I know we kinda just met but will you go out on a date with me" he asked looking down
"Sure I'd love to" I said giving him a small kiss on the cheek

He started blushing then kissed me on my cheek.
Jarath took me home I went to my room feed moon and star changed to my pj and went to bed.

(A/n this is a really long chapter yay lol)

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