2. What did you tell her now?

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Tiffany squeled, watching Caroline shut the door.

"Finally! I thought she would never leave!"

Chloe walked over. "Ready to, like, explore?" Her voice rose.

Tiffany and Stacey looked at Shannon. "What did you tell her now?"

Shannon rubbed her ears. "I just said that there is like, a new doll house, and, it's filled of......"

"What?!" Tiffany shrieked. Her voice rose a decibel.

"Like, Boys!" Chloe finished, getting the evil eye from Shannon.

"How will we get down?" Stacy asked, fanning herself dramatically. Each of them looked down at the drop.

"That's only, what, like 9 feet?" Tiffany asked. It was really 4 inches.

"Let's try this!" Shannon swung her legs over the side and inched her self down until she was hanging by her fingertips. She them let go and plummeted down, one inch.

"See. That was totes not as bad!"

Each of them went down, one by one. They crept to the bed until they heard a wail.

"No!" Chloe wailed. "My nail!" She held her broken nail gingerly.

"Oh no, code 74! Get the kit!" Shannon squealed. She scampered to the bed and went under it, shortly later coming out with a small pink pouch. Tiffany then took it from there, poking and prodding.

"There". Tiffany smiled. Chloe held up her hand.

"Guys!" Stacy shouted. "We have to go, like, now!" Each girl ran across the floor, but were too late. The door opened, and the girls fell to the ground, plastic and all. Caroline walked over and picked up Chloe.

"My, Chloe, what fine nails you have!" She then looked at the dolls. "Why are you here?" She picked all of them up, walked to there dollhouse, and dumped them inside.

"Nighty Night!"

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