How Do I Ask?

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Cameron's POV:

So I had to figure out how to ask out Bethany. I decided maybe Nash could help me figure it out.

"So Nash I have a question." I said.

"What is it?" He answered.

"Well I've been thinking. And well I want to ask Beth to be my girlfriend but I just don't know how. So I was hoping maybe you could help me think of something." I asked.

"Yeah I'll help, so maybe you could ask her to meet you somewhere. Like... what about on the roof, you guys could have a movie night sort of thing. Play her favorite movie and after it finishes ask her out." Nash responded.

"I like that idea. Now I just have to figure out what her favorite movie is." I said.

Later that day I decided to text Bethany.

From Cameron:
Hey what's up

From Beth:
Hey, I'm not doing anything.

From Cameron:
So do you wanna play 20 questions?

From Beth:
Sure you go first.

From Cameron:
Do you like dogs?

From Beth:
Of course I do, I think Jaxx is adorable. Ok what is your favorite color?

From Cameron:
My favorite color is blue. What is your favorite movie?

From Beth:
Um, I guess it is Back To The Future. So what is your favorite food.

A whole bunch of questions later we finished and I asked her if tomorrow night she wanted to hang out, she said yes.

So now I knew her favorite movie and snacks. I would bring them to the movie night, along with a whole bunch of pillows and blankets.

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