School( hell)

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As I walked in I could tell that my mate was here by his sent. After I was done getting my classes and locker number I bumped into a bleach wanta be. " Move it" she said " Shut up you slut." was all I said. " You can't talk to the further Luna like that." " Make me" by that I pushed her down and headed to math. I opened the door, and smelled my mate. Great he's in this class. " Hi you must be the new student, my name is Mr. Kingsly. Um if you would like to take a steat next to Alexander." " Ok" I'm so happy he didn't make me interduse myself. "Alexander can you let her know who you are?" Mr. Kingsly. Suddenly I saw a blonde guy stand up. To tell you the truth he looks pretty cute, not as cute as my mate through. Too bad I'm not his any more, and he isn't mine. Well, let's see what classes I have:
Frist period: English
Second period: Math
Third period: Social Studies
Fourth period: Science
Fifth period: Lunch
Sixth period: Free poriod
Ya at least I have a free period, well better get there. Once I got there the teacher stared at me for a short second but a guess she figured out that I'm a new student. "Hello I'm miss. Carlson, you must be the new student." "Um, I guess." "You'll have to ignore the stares we don't usually get new students here." "I kind of figured that."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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