Chapter 6

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Loyalty POV

Its been over a week since Tank tried to rape me. I still couldn't believe that this happened to me. Chase had been to see me almost every day. He was my superman, he had saved me and for that I was grateful. He really didn't have to continue to be there but he did. I haven't been out of this house and I know my mom and dad were worried. My dad wanted to kill Tank when he found out what happened but Nae came explained everything that happened in the aftermath. It was a Saturday morning and I was just lying in bed with my little sister watching cartoons. I heard a knock on my door and figured it was my mom letting me know she was going to the shop so I yelled for her to come in. When she didn't say anything I looked up to see Chase standing in the doorway starting at me. Then I realized that I had on a sports bra and boy shorts. I hopped up and pulled on some pajama pants. He walked towards the bed and sat down. Cammie jumped on his lap and hugged him. "Yay Chasey's here sissy." She squealed. Her and Chase were cool she seemed to really like him. I think she had a crush on him which makes two of us. "Chase I made you something yesterday." She jumped down and ran out the door towards her room. I sat on the bed next him.

"Hey." Was all I could get out. I was still embarrassed that he just saw me in my underwear. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. He smelled so good as I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. I tried to not let the moan building in my throat escape.

"How you feeling today Lo?"

"I'm good. " I said as I looked away from him.

"You lying ma. What's going on?" He asked softly. Just then Camm came running back in the room with some gooey looking green stuff in a ziplock bag.

"Look Chasey its glow in the dark slime." She said cheesing so hard.

"Thanks munchkin." He said as he picked her up and say her on his lap.

"Hey Cam how is Loyal been feeling? She been ok?" He asked her. I saw her little face turn sad.

"Well lastnight her had a really bad dream. She was crying. I gave her a big hug." I knew she was going to tell him. I have been having nightmares but I kept then to myself but last night my mother heard me screaming and crying. She came on and held me while I cried and Cam gave me a hug. I haven't been sleeping and I was so tired I had fell asleep around 6. Mom and Cam was watching a movie when they heard me in my sleep.

Chase looked at me and I couldn't tell what the look in his eye was.

" Hey Munchkin how about you go get dressed and instead of me bringing you food, we can go out."

"Yay."she screamed and ran to her room to get dressed.

He got up and closed the door. He say back down beside me. He pulled me in his lap and held me.

"Damn Lo. How long have you been having these dreams?"

I immediately started crying as he held me. "I have been having them for the past few days. I haven't gotten any sleep." He hugged me and let me cry. I felt so safe in his arms.

"Look at me Lo." He wiped my tears and made me look at him. "You know I'm here right. If you can't sleep or you need to talk just call me, I don't care what time it is." I just nodded. I don't know why he was so nice when he didn't have to be. This boy who I just met was being my rock and I don't know if he knew how much he meant to me. Cammie came back dressed in a cute purple Minnie mouse dress and some purple jelly sandals. She had on Minnie sunglasses and a little Minnie purse. This little girl was too much. I smiled because I created this little diva.

"Chasey take a picture of me." I laughed she was really too much. He grabbed her hand and took her downstairs so that I could get dressed. It was about time I got out. I handed really heard from Nae and I was wondering what was up with her. I would have to call her.


I was actually glad I got out. Chase took us to Dave and Busters. We ate and played games. we walked around the mall for a bit and he brought Cammie a Minnie mouse teddy bear back pack out the Disney store. I swear that little girl love her some Chase. We had been out all day and by time we got home my mom had cooked dinner. Chase got a call and had to leave. I was a little sad. I really was looking forward to spending time with just the two of us. I took a nice long bath hoping that would relax my body and help me sleep through the night. I was really hoping tonight I would actually get some sleep. I laid in bed watching Martin until I drifted off to sleep. Darkness consumed me and I could see Tank and the dark look in his eyes staying down at me. He ripped all my clothes off while I screamed and cried. This time no one was there to stop him as he went all the way, thrusting murderously in to me. I screamed and screamed until he pulled out a knife and then I woke up drenched in sweat with years streaming down my face. I was glad my mom didn't hear me this time. I didn't want her to worry even more. I grabbed my phone of the night stand and called Chase. I didn't even realize until I heard him pick up the phone. When he said hello I couldn't stop crying. He kept asking what was wrong but I couldn't talk. He said he was on his way and hung up. I laid there crying. Lord why me. Why did this happen to me. Even though he didn't rape me I read still traumatized and living a nightmare because he could have. 10 minutes later my phone buzzed. Chase was here. I looked at the time and realized it was 3 in the morning. I crept down the stairs to let him in. As soon as I opened the door he pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. We stood there for a minute. He locked the door and we crept back up to my room. He locked my door and came and sat on my bed.

"Are you ok? Lo talk to me."

"I had another dream." I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. He took off his shoes and his jewelry and sat them on the table. He pulled off his shirt and shorts leaving him in a beater and hooping shorts. He got in my bed and pulled me on top of him where I laid my head on his chest. He rubbed my back soothingly. "Its going to be ok Lo. He not going to hurt you Ma. I'm hear so go to sleep. I got you." He turned off my lamp and before I knew it I was sleep. When I woke up the next morning I felt good. This was the first time in days that I actually got a good nights sleep. I looked up at Chase. He looked like he was deep in thought and had been up for hours.

"Good morning." I smiled up at him.

"Good morning ma. How'd you sleep?"

"Actually, great. Thanks so much for coming. I really didn't mean to call you so late. I kinda dialed your number without thinking about it."

"What I tell you Lo? If you need me call me. That's whenever. I was ready to flip out lastnight when you called me crying but didn't say anything. I'm just glad you ok." He lifted me off of him. I looked at him as he got dressed. "I'm about to go ma. Call me later ok. I don't think your moms going to be happy if she wake up and discover I stayed the night."

Chase POV

I got dressed to leave before her mom woke up and saw me here. She laid there looking so damn beautiful.

"I got some things I need to handle today. If I got time I'll stop by and bring you your favorite. Hit my phone if you need me." I grabbed my stuff off the dresser and without thinking I leaned down and kissed her. At first she was shocked but she kissed me back. Hell I was shocked I didn't mean to kiss her like that. Or did I? Damn I have been going crazy ever since I met this girl. I turned to leave like what just happened was routine. I left before she could say anything. As I got in my car the only thing I could think of was her pillow soft lips. Damn I wanted her so bad. I needed to get my mind off of her and focus. I had some shit to get straightened out around the way.

::::::: updated on my phone please excuse mistakes.please comment and let me know you're reading. Vote, comment, follow, share. If I can see that someone is reading I will update regularly. Even if its just a couple ppl. Thanks for the support. Comment today and I'll upload another chapter. :::::::

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