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I know half of you don't believe in the Charlie Charlie challenge and neither do I but I still tried it. It was actually funny doing with my friends. They kept freaking out and saying it wasn't real. Are you there "no". Are you happy "no". Are you mad "yes" my friends: *freaking out*. Are you going to kill one of us "yes". My friends: *breathing heavily*. Are you behind one of us my friends: *ruin pencils before he "answers"*. *rebuilds it* do you like pizza "no". Do you like nachos "no". Can we leave "no then pencils go across the table"... Ok then well screw you Charlie.my friends: WTF ARE YOU SAYING MISTY! Then me and one of my friends kept making fun saying Charlie can we eat you or Charlie can you possess us while everyone else was freaking out. You might not believe me that this happened but it did and I thought it was hilarious.

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