Welcome to Yankee Academy

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My eyes scanned the outline of my new school as the bus grinded to a halt, jolting me out of my seat. I emitted a groan as the back of my head came into contact with the metal bar behind me, grabbing my black duffel bag, I ran off the bus. The doors came to a close just as my feet touched the pavement. I was just finally glad to be off that death trap. My breathing was erratic right now.

I tucked a strand of my jet black hair behind my ear before looking up at my place of residence and 'education' for the next two years.

The whole school was a low-rise building, with dusty windows that were just begging to be cleaned, but the entire building looked fairly safe and sound. The only clean part of the school however was the billboard style sign that hung on the left hand side of the building displaying its name, Yankee Academy.

There are worse places to be spending the next two years of my life.

I began to slowly walk up the gravel path as my eyes flicked from person to person sitting on the bright green grass. I then realised I had absolutely no idea where I was going. They were all sat in groups, how was I supposed to approach them?

I stood there for two minutes contemplating my options before going up to a cute boy in a pale blue shirt and tapped his shoulder lightly, he turned around.

Shit. It was actually a girl and holy shit, she was pretty.

Her chestnut brown hair was cut very short with a fringe that covered her right eye fully. Her eyes were a bright green and she had a thin figure that complimented her height. She gave me a warm smile as she saw me. Her voice was light and soft.

"Can I help you?" She said smiling.

I jumped out of my trance-like state. For gods sake Kieran, she is talking to you.

"Erm yeah, could you direct me to reception please." I still had not got my timetable or room number.

She grinned at my nervous stutter and looked towards my bag before answering.

"Sure newbie, go up those stairs over there and it's the second door on the right."

I frowned at being called 'newbie', but politely nodded and said thanks.

"I'm Rachel by the way, Rachel Daniels." She said, holding out her hand.

"I'm Kieran, Kieran Moore." I replied taking her hand and shaking it firmly.

"Well, I'll see you around Kieran Moore." Rachel said giving me a slight wave and going back to her friends.

She seemed nice, I thought.

I nodded to no one in particular before jogging quickly up the steps, past all of the disapproving stares. When I finally got to the top I stood still for a minute as I tried to catch my breath, I was so horrifically unfit. After I got my breath back I opened the second red door on my right.

The interior of the building looked incredible compared to it's dusty looking exterior. It was a well lit area with white walls and a picture of who must have been the head teacher (Mr Crane) on the end of the hallway. I slowly approached the reception desk.

"Excuse me." I said, my stutter returning. Damnit.

The woman looked up, her nice smile turning into an unpleasant sneer when she saw me. That definitely didn't help my nerves.

"Can I help you?" She asked, looking me quickly up and down.

"Y-yes, I'm Kieran Moore, the new student to Mr Stewart's class."

"Ah yes Mr Moore, we have been expecting you for hours, you will only just make it to form on time at this rate." She said raising her eyebrows in concern.

"E-Erm sorry." I shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever. Here is your timetable for the next year and you are staying in room 394. Your bags will already be there." She said handing me a silver key with a wooden key ring attached and then returning to her magazine.

"Thanks a lot." I muttered as I started navigating my way down the winding corridors.

After 5 minutes of walking, I finally reached room 394. Slowly I opened the door to my new home.

The room was plain with cream walls, but had a snug feel to it. It contained a computer, a desk and two beds. One bed had two suitcases at the end of it, that one must be mine. The walls around the other bed were surrounded by band posters. Pictures of Evanescence, Muse and Green Day littered the walls. I gave a huge smile and begged he would also be cute.

Also yes if you haven't guessed by now I'm bisexual, yeah not quite gay, not quite straight. But we can't share a room with the girls, so I'll take what I can get.

I dropped my bags onto my bed before looking towards my watch, I had only 10 minutes left to change and get to form on time.

"Shit." I said out loud to myself, my voice sounding hallow in the empty room.

I quickly took my Smosh t-shirt off over my head and threw it into a pile on the floor. I swiftly unzipped my suitcase and found my school uniform laying on top of the pile of clothes inside. The uniform was a white polo shirt, a black blazer and black Trousers. All in all, it wasn't too bad.

I hurriedly put on my new crisp white shirt, trousers and blazer before looking at myself one final time in the mirror.

My inky black hair lay flat against my cheek; the short style it was cut into was now dishevelled and messy. My face was flushed red due to my rush and my hands were shaking with nerves.

Get it together Kieran!

Once I finally got the shaking under control I left the safe haven of my room before I could change my mind again.

When I finally got downstairs, 5 minutes late, the hallway was nearly empty except a few students running late. As I was wandering aimlessly down the hall in search of the room I was looking for I realised how different this school was compared to my old school. The atmosphere here was amazing, the building was like a beautiful ancient relic, that had been left for centuries and even though I had only met one student as of now, the other students seemed so chilled and relaxed here.

I was really excited to go to school here.

By the time all these thoughts had got through my mind I had arrived at my form room. I was 10 minutes late.

Before I could turn away due to last minute nerves, I gave an audible gulp and pushed the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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