Ch. 28 - Apology Cookies

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okay so obviously Ventura is a real place but I still got so excited when James Lafferty (Nathan Scott from One Tree Hill) posted this picture

yes, Ventura is where this story takes place

"I don't wanna!" Tucker whines like a five-year-old boy.

"Tucker, we have to," I say firmly.

He pouts and grabs the cookies out of my hands. "Fine. Honestly though, I don't see why I have to. He's your friend."

"I just don't to go in there alone," I mumble.

"Are you kidding me? You're honestly scared to go into your own friend's house."

I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight to my other leg. "I'm not scared. I just..I'm skeptical."

"You're a wuss, Green," he says and starts walking to the front of Dexter Reed's house.

It's not that I'm scared. But if I'm going to be honest, his house doesn't look particularly friendly. The flowers are all dead and the grass looks as though it hasn't been watered or maintained in months. So, maybe I'm a little nervous to go to the front door alone.. Big deal.

Tucker rings the doorbell, tapping his foot impatiently. "Do you really think these cookies are going to mend your friendship?"

"Don't doubt Mrs. Harris' cookies."

The front door swings open, and a man with a beer belly stands on the other side, a beer in his hand. He looks Tucker and me up-and-down. "No, I don't want your Girl Scout cookies."

He swings the door shut, but Tucker pushes on the door to keep it open. "Uh, we're not selling Girl Scout cookies. Is Dexter here?"

The man rubs his aftershave. "What do you want from Dexter?"

"We're here to apologize," I say meekly. "A few friends of ours weren't too nice to him."

"Lance, who's at the door?" a woman appears, her top tight and revealing. Her fake boobs are nearly five times the size of mine. The amount of Botox on her face makes her look like an alien with a bad spray tan. "Well, who is this strapping young man?"

Tucker smirks as the woman looks him up-and-down.

I scoff and take a step forward. "We're friends of Dexter. Can we come in to see him?"

"Oh!" she gasps excitedly. "Come right in!"

I smile awkwardly and step into the house, nearly throwing up at the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. Tucker walks right behind me, his chest pressing up against my back.

"Dexter's room is the three doors down to the left."

I nod.

"Riley," Tucker whispers.

"What?" I ask, walking down the narrow hallway on the first floor.

"I don't like it in here."

I place my pointer finger in front of my lips to remind him to be quiet. "They're literally five feet away from us, idiot!"

"It smells weird," he whines childishly.

Shaking my head, I knock on Dexter's door. There's loud music playing from inside his room, vibrating the floors. I knock again.

"Maybe he's not home?" I say with an innocent smile.

"You're such a pansy." Tucker rolls his eyes and barges into Dexter's room before I can stop him.

Dexter seems alarmed when he notices the two of us in his room. He removes his feet from the top of his desk and stands up. "What the hell are you guys doing in here?"

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