
16 1 0

~ Norman ~

"When people get scared they say things they don't mean."

Things have changed since I stopped the Witch's curse. My family's closer, people don't think I'm a freak anymore, and I'm sorta a tourist attraction.

I'm the legend of Blithe Hollows, but I'm not a ego maniac. I live life like a normal 16 yr old kid. Going to highschool, making friends, still have embarrassing moments.

So far it's the summer before sophomore year and nothing's happening. Just binge watching Gravity Falls with Neil...that was until Mitch and he went to visit their grandma in South Carolina.

Courtney has cheerleading camp, Mom and Dad went to Georgia to see my alive grandma. So it's just me and Netflix.I was in the middle of an episode till I heard a truck horn.

So I paused the tv and looked outside the window. It was a moving truck. We don't get a lot new people in town, probably just tourists renting the house.

I was a black woman and a whit man gets out of the truck looking happy and proud. Then a girl comes out. She had short hair sorta like a boy's hair cut. She was also in boy clothes, but she makes it cute.

"Mom do we have to be here?" The mother chuckled at the girl amusingly. "Yes Mars. Erik has to work and you know that. Now how about you go explode and test out that new camera or say hi to out neighbors."

Mars. So her name is Mars...

"And remember don't tell people about your gifts. Let's just stay normal for once."

What did she mean by gifts?...

( So next chapter us Mars's POV and they meet! Have fun enjoy! )

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