I'm the Human in this Boarding School [Chap. 5]

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I beg to differ.

Zephyr’s words kept playing over and over again in my head as we drove to the club. Zane was driving and Zeke had called shotgun, so Zephyr and I were in the backseat.

When we got there, Zephyr had come around to my side and opened the car door for me.

"Why thank you," I replied.

"You’re welcome. It’s the most you’re gonna get of someone being a gentleman to you here. I’m just sayin’. If anyone tries to pull anything, and you don’t want that, just yell for me, Zane, or Zeke."

"Got it," I said, and closed the car door.

We walked up to the club. My heels were clicking against the pavement.

They walked right in and motioned for me to follow them. I did and stayed close behind Zephyr.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand so he wouldn’t lose me. I got butterflies, but didn’t know why. His hand was cold too. It was probably because we were just outside.

He pulled me to the bar and sat me down, taking a seat next to me. Zane sat on my other side and Zeke sat on the other side of Zephyr.

"Four, please," Zephyr said.

"Sure thing," the bartender replied.

He came back a few minutes later with four beers.

Oh great. Alcohol.

I took my beer and sipped on it as the boys chugged theirs down and asked for seconds.

I looked at them amused.

"It’s tradition," Zane explained. "Whenever we go to a bar, the first drink we chug, then the rest we can drink at our own pace."

"Oh," I replied, taking another drink of my beer.

I know, I know. Underage drinking is wrong, but I have bad habits. At least I don’t smoke, although I can’t say I haven’t tried a cigarette before. But I never had another after it. I practically choked up a lung when I had that first one.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Dimitri.

"Fancy meeting you here, eh?" he asked casually.

"Yeah. Real fancy," I replied, a bit harshly.

He was checking me out for sure. "Wanna dance?" he asked, trying to be seductive, and I’ll tell ya, it worked.

I was in a bit of a trance for a moment, but snapped out of it. "No thanks," I replied. "I’m having a drink with my friends right now."

"Well," he replied, starting to walk off. "Maybe a little later."

"Yeah," I replied, not wanting to dance with him.

"See what I mean?" Zephyr asked. "He was practically undressing you with his eyes and he seduced you."

I cleared my throat. "If I do recall, you had seduced me, and I don’t doubt you were undressing me with your eyes either."

"Sweety, if I wanted to undress you, I’d use my hands," he replied, winking.

I blushed madly and looked away. I was trying to find something to distract me, so I chugged the rest of my drink.

Zephyr chuckled. "How about another one for my thirsty girl?" he asked the bartender.

"Sure thing," he replied, refilling my glass then setting it back down in front of me.

"Well, here it goes," Zephyr said. "Wanna dance?" he asked in the same manner that Dimitri had.

Except this time, I couldn’t say no. It’s like he has the power to control me or something like that.

Oh goody. I’m sure this will work to my advantage... Not.

"Sure," I replied nervously.

He took my hand and led me out to the dance floor into the middle of the sweaty crowd full of people grinding on each other

"A-are we gonna do what they’re doing?" I asked, stuttering a little bit.

"If you don’t wanna, then we don’t have to," he replied, then leaned down to my ear. "But I was hoping that we could," he added huskily.

I couldn’t say no. Like, I literally couldn’t. "Okay," I said.

He smirked, put his hands on my butt, and started grinding against me.

It was kinda awkward because I’ve never done this before, and I was extremely inexperienced.

"Just move your hips," he said, sensing my uneasiness.

I did as he said, but I didn’t know if I was good at it or not.

I saw Dimitri giving me death glares from across the room.

He grabbed some random girl and started grinding on her, apparently trying to make me jealous, but failing miserably.

I was with Zephyr. How could I be jealous of some other girl being with Dimitri?

Zephyr and I continued on like this for the rest of the song, which was like two minutes, then we went to sit back down at the bar next to Zane and Zeke.

"Damn, dude. You’re lucky," I heard them say to him as he sat down.

"I suppose," he replied.

I chugged my beer and asked for another one. Then another and another.

About four beers later, I was so drunk, I could barely stand.

"I think we should go back to the school," Zeke muttered.

"Probably," Zephyr agreed, then picked me up and we went out to the car. Zane started up the car and sped off to the school.

"You can’t be drunk on campus," Zephyr whispered to me as we stepped out of the car.

He put an arm around my waist and stabilized me.

"Act like you’re not drunk. Don’t say anything to anyone either," he told me.

"Got it," I slurred.

We made our way to the dorms, thankfully only seeing a few people on our way there.

He set me down on my bed and then plopped down on his. Zane and Zeke were already in their beds.

"Good night," I slurred tiredly.

I laid down and curled up underneath the blankets, falling into a deep, drunken, sleep.

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I'm the Human in this Boarding SchoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang