Chapter three

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~A few months later~

Months passed since Raina came to live in the castle, and Regina and Raina had gotten close. Raina enjoyed living in the castle it was the closest thing to a home she ever had in while. Regina was happy that her daughter was back in her life(even if Raina didn't know that Regina was her mother), and when she wasn't planning her revenge on Snow White, she would spend time with Raina doing what ever Raina wanted to do. Soon it was the day of Raina's 16th birthday and Regina decided that she would give Raina a gift. Little did she know that this gift would mean the world to Raina.

"May I come in?" Regina asked knocking on Raina's bedroom door.

"Of course Regina" Raina answered with small smile, she seemed a little less like herself today which Regina quickly noticed and was a bit worried.

"How are you today dear? Is everything alright, you seem a little off today?"

"Yes i'm ok, don't worry. I'm just thinking that's all" Raina explained with a small sigh. Today was her birthday, but unlike most people she wasn't really excited about it. Whenever her birthday came around, it was never really celebrated instead she was either criticized and nagged by Martha or just ignored all together. The sooner the day ended the better.

"Thinking about what exactly?" Regina was a bit worried, she knew it was Raina's birthday but she wasn't so sure why Raina didn't seem excited about her birthday.

"Oh nothing really, it doesn't matter"

"Raina, dear you know you can tell me anything. I want to help anyway I can"

Raina let out a small sigh. What did she do to deserve someone as caring as Regina in her life. " my birthday..."

"It is well Happy Birthday...i don't see what's so bad about that...unless something happened'

"It's just...growing birthdays weren't really appreciated...let alone acknowledged" Raina explained "It's just not a big deal to wasn't to anyone else"

Regina felt sorry for Raina, she had no idea of what it was like for her growing up, but from what she heard it wasn't at all the childhood she wanted for her daughter.

"I'm so sorry dear, i hope i can do anything to make your birthday feel more special" Regina said with a small smile taking Raina's hand

"Thank you Regina...just having a real place to call home makes today even better than the most" Raina remarked. It was true, even at the inn Raina never felt at home, Martha wasn't exactly the best person to call family. But here, living in the castle it was different, it actually felt like home it actually felt like a place where she could be herself.

"Well i'm glad" Regina smiles at this. She was glad that Raina thought of this place to be home, but she still wanted to do more. She wanted to make Raina's birthday special. "This place will always be a home to you no matter what"

"Thank you Regina. That means alot" Raina said with a small smile

"You're welcome dear, now i will leave you but in a few hours I'll come back to get you" Regina said as she got up from the bed.

"Okay" Raina gave her a small smile. She still didn't know why Regina was being so kind to her. After she was still just some peasant girl


A few hours later Raina awoke to a knock on the door. "Come in" She yawned as Henry came into the room "Oh Henry, is everything alright?"

"Yes, Regina just wanted me to bring you down to the throne room"

"Oh alright" she said getting up and following Henry to the throne room. Once in the throne room, she noticed a blue ballgown in the middle of the hall. "why on earth is this here?"

"Because it's for you dear" Regina said with a small smile as she entered the throne room walking up behind Raina. "It's a gift for your birthday"

"For me?...oh Regina you didn't have to do this for me..." Raina said her face filled with surprise and appreciation. This was the first time someone ever acknowledged or even gave her a gift for birthday. 

"oh nonsense, I wanted to besides did you really think i was going to let this day pass by without giving you a gift" Regina remarked. "Now lets see how it looks on you" Before Raina could even protest, Regina waved her hand and the dress disappear and reappear on Raina, along with her hair now pulled up in a bun as well. "Well what do you think?"

"Oh Regina...thank you" Raina said with a smile before going to hug Regina. She still didn't understand why Regina was so kind to her, but a part felt like she had actually had a mother for once, though she doubted Regina would ever see her as a daughter, after all Regina was a queen, and Raina...well she was just a poor peasant girl. 

"You're welcome dear and Happy Birthday" Regina smiled softly accepting the hug. "Now why don't you go back to your room, there are a few more gifts there. and then later tonight, there will be a whole feast for you both me and Henry will be there as well."

"Oh alright" Raina said with a smile that she was unable to get rid off as she started to exit the throne room. "And one's ever done this for me. Thank you, really this means so much to me" 

"You're welcome Raina" Regina smiled watching Raina exit the ballroom. How she wanted to just tell her the truth, how she just wanted to say 'i'm your mother and and you'll never be alone.' Why was she so afraid. 

"Well isn't she spitting image of her mother" A shrill voice pulled Regina from her thoughts and caused her to turn around to see none other than the dark one himself, Rumplestilskin. "

"What the hell do you want" Regina remarked coldly, her smile now turned in a frown. 

"Oh come now Dearie, i just wanted to see how the newly reunited mother and daughter were fairing" Rumple replied with a giggle as Regina's face turned into an expression of surprise. "Of course i knew about her dearie, why so surprised. I knew about her ever since she was born...the real question why don't you tell her who you really are"

"i don't have to answer to you"Regina instantly shot back. This caused Rumple to laugh again. "What's funny, imp"

"Why you are, dearie thinking you can keep this secret forever" Rumple remarked. "Sooner and later people will find out about her...who knows maybe they'll even turn her against you as well...after all you are the evil queen"

This caused to Regina to stay silent for a moment. Even though she didn't want to admit it, deep down he was right. She was still the evil queen, and although she did love Raina she had no idea if Raina felt the same way. One wrong move and she could lose her all over again, and Regina couldn't let that happen. 

AN: I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY. I Did not mean to take another year to update this story, i got so busy with college and such. I really tried to finish this as fast as i could but college is really demanding ya know. 

Anyway, i'd like to thank everyone for their patience and kind words as well, i've been getting so overwhelmed by the all votes and comments like wow i had no idea this would grab so many people's attention. The idea for this story and Raina honestly just came to me when i was rewatching Once one day. speaking of Once, the show is officially over (sobs) I know i'm months late but i wouldn't be a true fan if i didn't bring it. And even though i didn't really like season seven i thought the finale was beautiful and perfect ending. REGINA FINALLY GOT HER HAPPY ENDING YAAAS!

ok before i start rambling i'm gonna go. Thanks for reading! and stay tuned for the next chapter! 

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