The Beginning, Again.

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Naruto POV

'Damn it! Why do they always chase me?!' was the only thought in my mind on October 10th every year.

Today was another one of the infamous fox hunts that the Village Hidden In The Leaf had every year in the Kyuubi Festival behind Jiji's back.

Why does he always forgive them? Im always hurt to the point of death where my inhuman capabilities of healing kick in and by the next day im fine.

He always forgive them. Always.

"Come back here you demon fox!" yelled one of the villagers chasing me.

I turned right in hopes of having them continue the path they were.

How wrong was I.

I turned to a dead end.

What is that bad, you ask?

Well, the bad part is that they are behind me.

"Well, well, well. We got you cornered you demon scum." said a pink haired woman with an extremely high pitched voice.

"Why dont we teach him a lesson?" asked a drunk civilian with a broken bottle in one hand and a new bottle in the other.

Suddenly, they all jump towards me and grab me by my arms and legs and tie me up.

I didnt even notice the woman had a rope in her possession.

The villager then approached me with the broken bottle's sharp points pointing towards me.

Suddenly he started cutting me all over my body.

I could feel the words "demon" and "phenomenon" being carved into my wrists.

I was okay with it since i knew that by the morning they would fade away.

Once more, how wrong was I.

The drunk villager suddenly opened the bottle and dumped the alcohol in my body.

Seething pain and a burning sensation took over my body as the substance made contact with the cuts.

"AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!" i yelled in agony as I struggled to free myself from the rope.

The Pink haired woman laughed loudly and even my ears began to hurt.

I was in my breaking point and I knew that this might be my final night.

But as always, they always leave suddenly.

And after the last one leaves, a masked man walks towards ne and helps me before my vision turns dark as pitch.

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