A Night in Alcatraz

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I sat in the prison cell; scared and cold.  The rain hit the roof above me and dripped through holes and dripped the concrete floor below me.  The rusted bars that once held so many prisoners now provided me shelter throughout the chilly night.

After the first two days, everything was fine until the bars rattled and the auromatic voice tours played by themselves.  Moans echoed from the deserted hallways that led allover the prison. 

As I whimpered and whined, no hope for my life yet, just down the hall the cell door slammed shut and chains rattled in the empty room.  Footsteps made themselves known as they came closer and closer...thump...thump...thump, then quietly faded just past my cell.  Whisperes filled the once quiet cells, then turned to yells and gang laughs.

Shivering in fear and cold chills running down my spine, I balled up into a fetal possition.  Guns that were stored in the officer quaters now fired rounds into the stuffy air surrounding me and the unstabilized spirits that now haunted Alcatraz.

"Get me out of this Hell hole!  Screw all of you bitches!  I hate all of you-"

I covered my ears.  I didn't want to hear any more.  Warm tears rolled down my cheeks that now blushed the dark rose they always turned to.

Suddenly, I felt eerie eyes watching my every movement.  I looked around at the surrounding that blocked me in.  As I weeped quietly to myself, I heard scratching on the hard cold floor, coming closer and closer to me.  The horrid sound stopped in front of me and the light of a lost soul stood before me with a knife.  The blade was rusted and dull, but still sharp. 

The eerie spirit smiled wryly, his eyebrows lowering down over his evil blue eyes.  His curly hair showed devilish horns poking out. 

I stared back at him, sobbing even more as the knife came closer to me neck that pulsed the electric blood through my body.  My heart pumped loudly like a drum beating redundently.

I squirmed closer to the corner behind me, which didn't help me at all in my situation. 

The entity came closer...slowly, one baby step at a time.

The knife slowly came down to my neck, I gulped what seemed to be my last breath of air.  I then closed my eyes and prayed for mercy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2011 ⏰

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