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"I can't believe you!" Kellin said, storming away from the kitchen, blue eyes filled with frustration and anger at his husband, small feet making hard thumping noises onto the hardwood floor as he headed towards his bedroom.

"Don't be such a bitch, love," Oli said, his smirk dropping when a glass was thrown his way, the angry dark haired boy was glaring with such power that to anyone else, if looks could kill they would already be six feet underground. "Did- did you just throw a glass at me?" the tattooed male stuttered, dodging another class that came towards him, this one aimed at his head.

"You have a whole lot of fucking nerve calling me a bitch when you have no room to talk, Mr. Fuck Everything With Two Legs And A Pulse," Kellin growled, he wasn't happy in the slightest and he internally swore that if he heard the words Calm down, he was going to jail for killing the scumbag he called his husband.

"I really don't see the problem!" Oli said, watching as the petite blue eyed boy paced in front of him, hands gripping his dark locks in an attempt to calm down, but Kellin was pissed off and he was actually contemplating killing his husband and how long would it be before he got caught.

What were they fighting for? Well it was simple, they had invited a couple of friends over to celebrate their daughter, who was currently with her grandmother, Emily's birthday and of course, Oli's ex-boyfriend Josh was their. They were being too touchy-feely and since Kellin didn't do competition, he stayed silent, but the second that everyone left and they dropped off Emily, all hell broke loose is the Sykes household.

"No problem?!" the pale boy screeched," You were flirting with that slut" he spit with disgust, punching Oli in the chest. "I am your husband! This ring on my fucking finger is a symbol of our love you douchefuck, but noooo, flirt with the bitch who broke your damn heart while I picked up the fucking pieces!" Kellin yelled, poking Oli in the chest at the end of ever sentence, not caring about how the taller males eyes were becoming dangerously dark with anger; the smaller male's attitude was not sitting well with Oli.

"I suggest you fix your tone with me princess," Oli said lowly, but the pale boy wasn't going to calm down anytime soon, he was livid and this time Oli was going to listen to him even if Kellin needed to throw a full on bitchfit.

"Fuck you Oli! You are the most arrogant son of bitch ever! You can't handle the fact that I was the only boy you dated that actually gave a shit about you, but fuck that right? You are nothing but a spoiled little rich fuckboy that couldn't get any person to love you for you even if you paid them! I'm your husband, me! Not Josh, not Alan, not Gerard, me! God I hate you so much!" the pale boy screamed, his face turning red with anger and frustration as he spewed what he had been holding inside.

Oli just rolled his eyes, knowing that the boy was bluffing, and Kellin lost it. His left hand hand came up to hit the tattooed male, Oli catching his wrist, but he didn't expect for Kellin to use his right hand. The sharp crack of skin meeting skin echoed in the air, the British boy's head turned to the side while the petite boy just stood their breathing heavily as Oli tried to make sense of the fact that his normally nonviolent husband just slapped him. Slowly, he turned his head, coming face to face with the the dark haired boy and suddenly, Kellin found himself pinned to the bedroom wall, blue eyes staring into Oli nearly black ones that were filled with anger.

"So you're slapping people now?" he growled, putting both of Kellin's skinny wrists in his right hand, bring the other up to the boy's hips, "You really think that you're in control don't you? You thought wrong love," Oli growled, slipping his hands into Kellin's panties, rubbing his thumb over the smaller boy's tip.

Kellin gasped in shock, anger forgotten from the pleasure that was coming from between his legs, moving his hips away to escape from Oli but the Brit wasn't having it; he was going to teach the pale boy about who was boss. The smaller boy gasped, thighs trembling as Oli kept moving his hand," You see, baby, you don't yell at me. You don't curse at me. Only bad girls do that and bad girls get punished," Oli whispered, nipping at Kellin's earlobe.

Removing his hands, he literally picked Kellin up by the hips and threw him down onto to the bed, Kellin trying to roll over and get himself onto all his hands and knees to crawl away but Oli forced him down, his large hand on Kellin's neck. Oli slid Kellin's panties down his legs, forcing the boys legs open and the pale boy realized what was about to happen; Oli was going to use his least favorite punishment on him, the one that would leave Kellin a mess.

Spreading the pale globes, he ran his thumb over the pink taint, smirking at the tremble than ran through Kellin's body before quickly lubing up his fingers. "It's cute baby, you being angry, but you hit me. And Daddy does not appreciate that," Oli said, the paler boy gasping as two fingers slipped inside of him, eyes wide as the tattooed male crooked his fingers here and there in a search the special spot that would make the dark haired boy scream.

Kellin whimpered and whined, his back arching when Oli found his g-spot, hands pushing at fingers so he could get away from the pleasure but this was his punishment, he needed to know that Oli was in control. It was a bit a of a relief when the British man removed his fingers, but Kellin was unprepared for Oli's hard member slamming into him, causing the paler boy to scream as his body was assaulted with pleasure.

"Ah! O-Ol-li...fuck!" Kellin moaned, back arching as his hands gripped the tattooed biceps, body lurching with each powerful thrust, Oli was relentless and he growled every time he thrusted, adding love bites across Kellin's neck and collarbones.

The pale boy knew he was going to have bruises, but all he cared about was getting to his peak. "Say it babydoll, who's the boss? C'mon love, tell me who this pretty little ass belongs to?" Oli taunted, dragging his cock out slowly before ramming back into Kelllin's g-spot, watching as the boy sobbed in pleasure, trying desperately to earn his climax from the dominant male.

"D-daddy! D-dad...f-fuck! D-Daddy! D-daddy p-pl-ease!" the boy stuttered, screaming in pleasure. "On three baby. One, two, three," Oli grunted, the boy beneath him writhing around as he came hard, walls clenching around Oli's pulsing member as the tattooed male came inside of him.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," Kellin whimpered, snuggling into his chest, Oli just grinning tiredly in satisfaction with his arm wrapped around his baby's waist.

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