Chaper 1: my father and I

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Disclaimer: I don't own naruto unfortunately and I would appreciate if this story was not a victim to copyright.

Oh and picture of lucifers disguise.

As they chased me into the back of an alley all I could do was protect my small structure of a 5 year old. The screams and shouts invaded my head as I shook in disgust.

"I'm not a monster! I'm not a monster." I continued to continuously scream till my voice hurt, but still they continued to call me monster, demon or 'it'.

"My names, naruto, naruto, naruto, naruto, naruto." I screamed in desperation I couldn't forget, I couldn't. It's the only thing I have. My name that brought me sanity.

"He isn't even human." A voice echoed as they tore my clothes and cut deep into my skin before someone grabbed my head and shoved themselves into my mouth. The horrid taste making me throw up before I felt immense pain that almost ripped me in half. His hot breath against my neck causing my skin to crawl.

No matter how many times I struggled he just continued before he dropped me on the floor and spat at me.

This village is filled with monsters. They all deserve to die. They called me vile and evil yet they tortured and ruined me. Innocence gone yet I still found it hard to stop crying- helpless. But still I'm the monster. It funny actually, in a dark way.

Suddenly a face appeared I front of me. Smiling he walked towards me.

"You look pathetic, however you have so much talent that I'm actually scared of what you could become, so I want you to become my son."

What he said confused me, why would someone ever want me as a son?

"No one wants me you would be an outcast if you adopted me." I warned every word biting away my sanity.

"It's ok. God himself has already forsaken me. I am the devil no one trusts. Literally. The name is Satan or Lucifer. Call me dad." He grinned before plunging his hand and ripping out my heart. "With this you are immortal, my son."

Slowly darkness invaded my mind sending me into stained while my small feet were socked with damp water. However I wasn't alone. Besides me was a red cage that stood tall.

"So the boy can finally see and hear me."

Lying lazily on the bed he had made himself was the nine tails. Cool.

"This is the part were you run."

Confused I tilted my head to the right. "Why?"

"Well when a person finds out that they are a jinjuriki- not to talk about the tenant of the 9 tails. One would expect a big reaction. Your mother screamed till she passed out- I still hear her in my nightmare's." He ended with a grumble.

I let out a proper giggle for the first time in years. "One. Could I not scream my throat kinda hurts right now and two. I agree with you about my mother. She was a handful."

"You know about the 4th hokage being your father I presume." Without waiting for an answer he continued. "I really hate when you fake your emotions- and how smart you truly are. Such a waste. Humans."

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