Face The Nightmare! (Claude's POV)

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Watching my life twist in a sick fantasy. I grin to what I hear from Sebastian's dearest friends. The fate of that lost soul is to be followed by death. However, under my selfish greed. Guilt pounds at the pits of my empty stomach. I can feel the way he cries over me. I can feel his wounds all over my body. The blade searing into my skin. The fire burning at my heart.

"What have I done to you, Sebastian... What have I fucking done...?" My guilt speaks to me. The dreading suspense of my inner debate, almost makes me feel sick. I want to help him, I do. But part of me doesn't want to see his tears. He's always so sad. It kills me seeing him like that...

But to face the nightmare I've caused? I can't just save him. He doesn't fucking need me! He needs to fight this all on his own. I...fuck...

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