A new experience for everything: Passiveness

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Honestly how could this get any worse? Oh wait there are a couple of good traits Peridot could list at the top of her head. This clod was cocky, rude, annoying, noisy, crude, and just..well an overall nuisance! The only helpful thing this roommate of her's- Jasper was her name, was how easily she managed to help her bring her bags and anything else she couldn't trudge in the dorm room herself. Other than that, not a single charming aspect to her character she decided, figuring the only thing to worsen this was if she happened to be an early riser, mess her up in the middle of a combo or killing streak in one of her many games, or consume all her snacks before the week is up. It had taken hours- nearly the whole day it seemed since lunch hour came and went with dinner coming around the corner, but it was worth it since now all of her clothes were stashed away neatly including some back up for her arm and leg prosthetics- a sensitive topic for Peridot, but a sad truth having already been accepted; better to have them then just forever be an armless and legless stump being pushed around in a wheelchair right? All her PS3 and PSP games were neatly stacked right beside her textbooks, posters of Master Chief, Dante Sparda, Catherine/Katherine, and even Kratos all splattered around her side of the room and her electronic devices have been up and plugged properly. Don't worry, basic hygienics were also placed neatly in the bathroom she unfortunately has to share with the hulking lug momentarily relaxing on her own bed just eating away at her full sized bag of cheeto puffs, her side of the room plastered with pictures of female bodybuilders, veterans from the military, and models alike while it looked to give the image of a mini-gym; complete with a treadmill, 375 Ib dumbbells, a blood red yoga mat rolled out by the foot of said bed, even taking notice of the fitness health planner on that she-hulk's bedstand followed by a tub of chocolate protein shake powder and a thermos- probably where she drinks it from.

While Peridot was wondering what to do next since her core classes don't begin until tomorrow- yes, she has to do basic reading and math for the next year or two and it's about as frustrating to hear and possibly endure like dealing with a two year old PC trying to set up an anti-virus system properly, she simply decided to sit on her bed, about to check the current percentage on her phone when Jasper's gruff voice spoke up. "I'm going to ask you again Peri, what's up with the gloves? It's scorching hot during this month and the temperature in this room is at about 75 degrees fahrenheit. Are your hands just sort of more..sensitive?" She inquired, meaty hand still in her bag of cheeto puffs, fingers more than likely coated entirely in the bright orange powder as her fierce golden eyes bore into the back of her roommate's skull, only to raise a brow at the sound of her groaning. "My name is Peridot, not Peri. And secondly I already told you for the millionth time that I'm fine. I just like to wear gloves that's all. Now mind your own business, I'm not here to be your friend; I only came to pursue what interests me for the near future." Instead of being all offended or enraged by the attitude given away, Jasper could only offer a ghost of a smirk in amusement as she pulled her hand out of there as silently as she could, noisily sucking and licking her fingers clean before setting her chips to the side and getting off the bed, stretching somewhat. "I know. But Peri sounds way cuter- and it suits you. Unless you want me to call you "roomie" or "runt" for the rest of this year?" She teased, earning a grumble from the far shorter in the lime green sweater, watching her unhook her phone from her charger for a second and give it a glance before reconnecting it.

"I can't even begin to understand why you are trying so hard to annoy me; unless this just comes naturally to you with everyone else you're acquainted with. And don't call me cute either!" Peridot snapped, turning around as she launched herself off the bed, lunging for Jasper who stood at the wooden post, more than ready to try to beat her down by the look on her face and even proving successful as this caught her roommate off guard long enough to actually hear a voluminous thud as the Amazonian woman's back hit the rustic beach wood flooring, a tinted pink blush creeping on her mocha coloured cheeks as her gloved hands aggressively- if not pathetically kept slapping and hitting away like a child throwing a tantrum. A couple of those harmless slaps and hits were expertly dodged but a couple others did manage to land square on her cheeks or simply flat on Jasper's face, squinting her golden irises shut every time a petite hand landed on her marked skin, trying to speak up and make her shut up before gritting her teeth in annoyance and simply grabbed both her skinny wrists, one in each meaty hand before hoisting herself up with a tiny annoyed glare, refusing to listen as Peridot squirmed and yelled to be let go before she was plopped harmlessly on her bed. "At ease runt, no need to get so worked up over nothing. If it really bothers you so much, I won't bring it up again- but don't think I won't find out one way or another. And if that's really all you can throw at me in regards to defending yourself, you have much to learn. "Honestly, who does she think she is- grabbing me so harshly like that and just insulting my strength?", Peridot thought a little sourly as she narrowed her emerald green eyes behind her slightly smudged glasses, though she had to admit- it was true. She held about little to no defense mechanisms; if anything, she was more bark than bite.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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A new experience for everything: PassivenessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora