m i r r o r s

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I stared at the lump of fat in front of me.


I pinched the fat on my stomach.


I pinched my big fat thigh.


I pinched my big fat arms


I pinched my cheeks.

Tears poured out my eyes again as I stand in front of the mirror, in my underwear. I sobbed quietly, not wanting anyone to come to my room.

"Magic mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all?" I said, still crying.

Not you, a voice in my head said.

"Magic mirror on the wall, who's the skinniest of them all?" I said again, knowing the answer.

Not you, the voice said again. I sobbed harder and I put a hand over my mouth. I sat on the floor, crying. I reached the desk and my hand began to search for an object.

My best friend.

My drug.

My runaway.

My razor.

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