D: Drama part 2

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Michelles pov:
I run to Elite as fast as I could. I have to confront Lucien, I know what he's done.

As I walk in to the fancy studio I go straight to their top group studio.
" Ah Michelle," Lucien says smirking, he knows what's coming.
" How could you say that to my team!" I'm shouting. Luckily it's only Amanda and Lucien in here.
" Because we want to win Regionals," Lucien takes a step towards me in between every word. To be honest it's kinda scary.
" You can't say that just because your my uncle!" I scream. I glance over to Amanda who has her phone out.

" I can now let's get you a uniform," he replies.
" No! You can't do that! You never wanted me in the first place! I'm not dancing for your stupid team! I'm going back to mine!" I shout raging.
" Why would they take you back?" Lucien asks smirking.
" Because I've got prove," Amanda pipes up.

" Amanda please give it to me!" I exclaim.
" No Amanda we will win this way,"
" I want to win fairly," She says then asking me for my number.

Reluctantly I give her my number and minutes later the video is sent to my phone.

I run back to studio a in the next step. Now I've got proof they will forgive me.

" Wow you had the nerve to come back," Emily scowls as I walk in.
" I never did anything with elite, it's not true," I protest.
" Where's the proof?" West asks.
I pull out my phone and wave it in the air.

" Watch this video," I pass my phone to Emily with the video on and she connects it to the tv. This is still up from our party the other night.

The video plays and I look at everyone as their expressions change.
Chloe is the first one to say something.
" Michelle I'm so sorry,"
" I can't believe we didn't trust you," Giselle says questioning everything.
" Why would Lucien do that?" Emily asks.
" Because he wants to win all the time," i reply looking up.
" Wait Lucien is your uncle?" West asks.
" West no time for that," Stephanie says whacking West on the arm.
" Hey!" West replies. We all laugh.

" I'm so sorry Michelle," Riley says hugging me.
" Guys it's all okay, I'm just glad you all forgive me," I reply smiling.
" I'm sorry fro assuming things," Eldon says.
" Me too," Emily mumbles.
" It's fine now let's do what we do best!" I exclaim
" Dance!" we all yell and turn on addicted to you. We all dance and have a great time. Im so glad we have all resolved everything. 

Here we come Regionals!!

A.N: everyone asked for part 2, here you go! Loved writing this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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