Getting Ready

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Notes: (OMG the picture above is just awesome! XD)


"Lapis, get up its time for your first day! If you don't get up then you might as well be late." Ruby Shouted.

I was drooling and about to fall off my bed too.

"Lapis, Lapis are you listening to me?!"

"I heard you the first time mom!" I yelled.

"Thank you dear. Now go get ready before your breakfast gets cold!"

Damn it, I was so fucking tired since yesterday.

I take a peek at my alarm clock and it read 6:40.

"Crap! 6:40 I should be at school by 7:00!"

I only had about 20 minutes to get ready.

After getting ready

I went downstairs; I was wearing a blue tank top, and navy blue leggings.

"Alright mom let's go!" I shouted.

My other mom, Sapphire, clapped at me.

"Oh my little Lapis is growing up so fast." She said.

I blushed.

"Our little Lapis, Sapphire." Ruby stated.

"Can we please go; I have like 15 minutes to get there!"

In the car

"Buckle up Lapis!" Ruby said as she was fixing the mirrors and talking to Sapphire.

I giggled because my mother was always a wild driver.

Ruby's car sped out of our garage and started to zoom down our street.

"Mom crap I forgot about breakfast-whaa!"

"I told you Lapis that you should've gotten up 30 minutes earlier."

"Waking up 30 minutes early is insane!"

I opened up my window and a nice burst of air blew in my face.

"Don't you worry we'll already here!" Ruby said.

I left the car and I soon noticed why this school had 'city' in its name, it was literally bigger than any campus I've ever seen.

"Well, here goes nothing..." I told myself as I opened the doors to the hell of school to come.

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