Crazy wanderer

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What does this crazy wanderer need?
What does this crazy wanderer wants?
Going to share the dim light of life in dark space of mind
Masks are meant for face not for conscience
Identity and irony of life is in soul, not in the body
Despair and vain are for people who lose themselves in others
Relationship don't depend on physical presence in this materialistic world
Hard words can destroy the speaker itself like a flame
Love your uniqueness; worship it daily
Godliness lies in things done with punctuality
Even a short life of you which introduces colours in others life worth million times
Keys don't unlock treasures, they permanently locks greediness in you
Eternal joy lies in forgiving others
It's better to love thorns than by hurting through beautiful roses
Books don't impart knowledge, they share experiences of millions
Heal fast like the shattered cloud and produce spark on unity
Flowers are not really beautiful, they just reflect your mentality
Be like a lotus and water and never let things stagnate in you
Money is not the beginning and it's not the end too, just the medium of travel
Writers words are not just words; they feed you wisdom
Nibs of pen are just spreading ink when they can't lighten up your mind.

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