Phone phantom

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Megs p.o.v.

I ran, trying to get out of the rain as quickly as possible. When I heard the phone rang it made me run even faster

'Cause my best (and only) friend, emma, was going to call me so I could come over to her place. Only I didn't get there in time so it went to the answering machine.

"Damn" I said loudly.

I then looked around and realised that I had just left muddy footprints every where and mum was going to kill me if she got back from work and the house was left like this. I shuddered at the thought of it.

So I quickly grabbed the mop and steam cleaner out and did the floor. It was so tempting to open the door of the oven because there was a rich smell of chocolate mud cake wifting up

My nose. While all this was going on I prayed and prayed that the phone would ring again, and unfortunately it did.


Hi guys! I'm still tying to figure how 2 use wattpad so as soon as I know how, I'll put out another chappie. PPLLEEEAAASSEE comment/fan/vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2013 ⏰

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