Seeing You Again

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So once we dropped everyone off I followed to Noah's house cause it was Nolen was spending the night once we all got out the car his daughter Taryn opened the door and ran to me I picked her up happy birthday leelee thank you tt I said welcome c'mon ugly before I get in trouble she said I started laughing bye Tt bye ugly I said while walking back to my car now Alesha were heading to mall for some clothes for the trip which is next Saturday and the concert for tonight my mom said ok I got back in my car as my mom and me headed to the mall ................... ......................................................
Right now I was in Victoria secret while me mom was somewhere idk I was picking out this lace purple and black bra someone tapped my shoulder when I turned around it was my ex boyfriend and ex best friend Happy Birthday Alesha Keyonna said trying to hug me but stepped back thank you Keyonna she just nodded her head and they walked away I guess she git the hint to leave me alone well I picked up the lace purple and black bra set and like 7 other bras and 12 panties I also got 2 perfumes and make up bag and walked to the cash register I just stood there on my phone as she ringed up my stuff that will be $469.25 I gave her my card ans she gave me the receipt I grabbed my bags and headed to Pacsun,Old Navy,Hollister,American Eagle and Forever 21 now I was on my way to footlocker I got a pair of red and black Jordan eclipse a pair of pink and black true flight Jordan blue converse and white black gold adidas originals and cool grey 11's I was trying to reach for the Jordan retro 7s but they was on the top shelf omg short people problems a pair of hands grabbed them off the shelf I turned around there was this cute ass boy was on front of me holding the shoe here you go he said handing it to me Thank you .........
It's Devon he said smiling shit that made me melt
Well thank you Devon I said
And you are he asked Alesha a.k.a birthday girl I said smiling well happy birthday he said thank you it was nice meeting you Devon I said about to walk away
Same hey could I get your number he asked Yea sure I said grabbing his phone I saved my number as future wifey I handed him his phone back he smiled when he saw my contact name this little girl she looked around 8 walked up to him Devon come on aunt Yolanda is waiting for us she said I'm coming Destiny well bye Alesha he said Bye Devon I waved walking to the cash register just then I got a text from my mom telling me to meet her at the food court I grabbed my baggs let me tell you I was struggling I found my mom standing in line at McDonald's I put my bags by her purse and walked to the Subway line just then everybody was running out the lines and you could hear screaming when I turned around I couldn't believe who it was

August pov
So I just finished practicing My new song cry which is gonna be the song to end the concert just as I was walking off stage Chris and Trey walked up to me to me
Well i'm gonna go head back to my hotel room trey said alright bye chris said You trynna go to the mall he asked Yea sure i said grabbing my phone keys and wallet off the chair once me and Chris walked into the Mall fans started runnimg up to us asking for autographs i did a few then pushed through the crowd and headed towards the food court cause i was in the mood for subway i was behind this girl when she turned around her jaw dropped she looked like my old best friend Ayesha but she went missing close your mouth babaeh gurl you'll catch flies
She quickly looked down I knew she felt embarrassed
Well happy birthday Mr.Alsina she said
Thank you telling by the badge on your shirt it's your birthday also I said
Yea it's my 17th birthday today
Next in line please the cashier said the girl walked up and ordered and waited for her food just then a woman walked up to her when she turned around it was my old best friend Ayesha who left during senior year and I never heard from her again
Ayesha ????
She turned around and her eyes got big Hi August she said
Long time no see I said is this your daughter I added
Yea it's been awhile and yes this is my daughter Alesha she said Who's the father I asked she face palmed and took a deep breath
She's yours August she said barely above a whisper but I heard her
You been keeping our 17 year old daughter away from me I said furious
Well you said you never wanted to have kids and I quote that you said these girls ain't loyal so why the hell would I claim their child I said
When the hell did we even have sex Ayesha cause I don't ever recall sleeping with you I said
At Chris's party we both had a lot to drink and it just happened and when I woke up you was still sleep I got my stuff together and left and moved in with my grandma after I foud out I was pregnant she said
Well are you sure he's my dad Alesha asked carrying her food
Yes I'm sure he's your dad Alesha Ayesha said
Well you don't know who Nolen's real dad Noah and Nolen are not related but you didn't have no money to leave Noah so you said that was his son like you was cheating on Noah for y'all whole relationship when he finally cheated on your ass you wanted to get all mad they don't even look alike maybe you and your friends conversation should of been a little more secretive Alesha said
Ayesha raised her hand and almost slapped Alesha but I pulled her back
You know what I'll take my birthday girl for the rest of the day to get to know her and you Ayesha will go calm down I suggested
Whatever fine by me Ayesha said
After Ayesha left I got my food me and Alesha found a table
Damn I can't believe I have a child that I never knew about especially and missing so many moments of her life

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