Chapter one

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The all too familiar sound of gunshots awoke Louis like they had for the past three months. Another night spent sleeping in his car, trying to get his fix. Drugs had become the enemy all too quickly when he made his way to London from his safety and hometown of Doncaster. Louis Tomlinson, age 21 and a professional drug addict- certainly nothing to be proud of and even Louis knew it. His days were spent roaming the alleyways in hopes of meeting someone who would supply his fix, no matter the cost as long as it didn’t include money.

In the past, Louis had all the money he could ever need. Rich family, parents who cared enough to send Lou any amount of money he needed and a good cover up story. Once his mother learned that Louis had taken himself out of university and wasn’t living on campus anymore, the money stopped coming. Without money, Louis couldn’t support his drug habits. His dealer got sick of Louis’ pathetic bribes and removed himself from any form of contact, going so far as to change his residence.

The rain never seemed to stop as Louis roamed the streets. His brown hair was soaked and stuck to his forehead, his clothes dirtied and hanging loosely from his body. Louis’ hopes faded with every turn he made. His withdrawal pains had only gotten worse with every passing minute and he knew he needed to stoop down even lower and ask around.

As he turned the corner, he noticed a younger-looking lad walking the streets. A black trench coat was buttoned around his frame and hung well below his knees. He held an umbrella overhead as he kicked rocks along with his white Converse. They locked eyes for a moment, the stranger’s green eyes sending shivers down his spine. Louis had seen this boy before, he just didn’t know where or how.

The lad’s pale face twisted into a frown at the sight of Louis, soaked to the bone and shivering. Silently, he motioned for Louis to come closer, motioning to the black umbrella protecting him from getting wet. Louis thought it over for a moment, but the stranger’s green eyes only drew him in. Curious.

“What ‘re you doing standing out here in the cold and pouring rain?” His accent was thick, spoken slow from his pink lips.

“Just going for a stroll,” Louis laughed, trying to keep his voice calm.

“In forty degree weather, while it’s raining? Try again.”

Louis shook his head, looking up at the stranger.  “Well, I guess..I guess it is the wrong weather for a walk.”

“D’you need a ride home?” He asked, then a strange look came across his face, a look of panic. “Wait..You’re a customer of Daniel’s, aren’t you?”

Louis’ stomach and heart both dropped through his body and into the ground. All the air escaped his lungs, as if he’d been punched in the stomach. “Used to,” he whispered.

The stranger’s face relaxed again and a warm smile spread across his lips. “Glad to know you don’t do business with that rat anymore. The names Harry.”

He stuck his hand out and Louis gladly shook it, smiling at the warmth of Harry’s pale hand, “Louis.”

When Louis pulled his hand away, a cellophane bag full of about twenty pills had appeared. “ money,” Louis whispered, looking guilty.

“I’ve got enough,” Harry shrugged, beginning to walk off.

Louis stayed silent, biting his lip. He didn’t know if he could accept the pills without some type of payment. When Harry flashed him another toothy smile, Louis’ fears melted and he smiled. Louis quickly pocketed the cellophane, watching as Harry walked off before making his way to his car.

On the way back to the small, silver coupe, Louis saw a figure leaning against the driver’s door. His heart sank to the pit of his stomach and he couldn’t breathe. “Shit..” he muttered, biting his lip.

“It’s only me,” Harry’s slow, deep voice rang out.

Louis let out a sigh of relief as he made his way to his car. “How’d you know this was mine?”

His eyes were fixed on the sidewalk as Harry spoke, “I’ve walked by and seen you sleeping in don’t need to be sleeping in such a place.”

Louis chewed the inside of his bottom lip, his breath hitching in his throat as the flat he used to own came into his memory. “I haven’t always been like this,” he sighed.

Harry nodded silently and looked to the older lad. He offered a warming smile again, his eyes in a far off place as he thought. “I’ve an extra room in my flat. It’s just me and my cat. If you’d like you can come home with me.”

Louis looked up at Harry, a curiosity hanging in his eyes. “Harry, I-“

“Louis, I wasn’t actually asking your permission. I’m giving you a place to live.”

Harry motioned for Louis to follow him, taking note of the fact that Louis didn’t have anything in his car. “Come on, you need a hot shower, tea and a warm, home cooked meal.”

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