Part 1

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My name McKenzie Jameson,and I live with my mom,Piper ;Grandpa; twin sister,Madeleine (actually triplets but Maxine died due to cancer) and little brother,Josh.
Lately things haven't been financially good. Luckily my mom has been offered a job as a hotel manager. But for me this is bittersweet,we have to move to Puerto Rico. "McKenzie! Madeleine! Josh! We're gonna miss our flight! I told you to pack last night!" Mom shouted. "Piper we only fly in two hours." Papa reassured. Maddie and Josh we're the first in the car. As they were SO excited and I was sad to leave. I'd never see Alyson or Taylor and Whiteley again! I sat on my bed crying Papa came in saying "Ahh,Kenzie what's the matter?"
I replied "I don't wanna leave! I know its for the best but I just, I ......"
"Do not cry, Angel you'll make new friends. Who knows what might be ahead?" Papa comforted me

When we left I remembered looking back saying to myself I'm officially depressed
My life has ended! I didn't know anybody... Maddie won't talk to me,we can't stand each other. She hates me and I think she's a horrendous person who just wants to ruin my life. Josh thinks I'm an alien and mom will be too busy although it doesn't matter she never notices me anyway....

Finally when arrived at the airport unfortunately for Josh,Maddie and Mom our flight was delayed by two hours. "Oh no! The flight is delayed! I say we go back home." I sarcastically said while mom and papa was talking to the lady who had made the announcement."McKenzie Onah Jameson!! Have you no shame? Mom has been trying so hard to provide for us and finally she has the opportunity to do something she wants to do and make a living. Yet you want it your way. Ever thought Mom wanted something for herself? Wow you deserve the 'most generous daughter of the year' award." Madeleine belittled me. Afterwards I felt quite bad but I didn't want her to know,so I sassed back "Uggh Madeleine stop bitching! Dammit you're like dog,woof woof!" Disgusted by my use of words,angrily she said:
"I never thought I would I ever say this but you know what? You're the worst sister I could imagine and I wish Maxine was still here instead of you!" Surprisingly this hurt me deeply as I never cared about what my sister thought. Satisfyingly with a tear in my eye I shot back "Thrust in hell! Stop breathing ! I don't need you, never did and never will."

Mom overheard and said I have to start acting like a lady. Mom told Maddie that she expects her to be firm and strict with me as Maddie is her eldest child. In my mind I thought this was ridiculous as she is only 2 minutes older than me!

Another thing I don't get is she favours Maddie and Josh because Maddie's the oldest and Josh the youngest. What about me Mom? Your daughter who almost died at birth due to breathing problems? Or what about when you "accidently" dropped me on the cold hard ground?

Two hours later
When we got on the flight I sat next to Josh as I tried to avoid Mom and Maddie. I had to listen to Josh talk about aliens. At last he fell asleep. When the flight attendant came she brought me a packet of peanuts and a Coke. Its quite a good combination. I started reading about an island near where we'd be staying. Its very beautiful,ponds which lead up to rivers and waterfalls. Nobody really tours there anymore....

After arrival at Puerto Rico to our "new home"

"Wow" was my first reaction. Our house was BIG!! 3 en-suites and 1 huge bedroom with a balcony and beautiful painted walls, then a bedroom next door half the size of a local supermarket. "I call shots on the en- suite!" I alerted everyone.
"How immature are you? Mom and Papa are getting the en-suits ,which leaves one left for me as I'm the oldest!" Madeleine said. Furiously I shouted, "YOU'RE ONLY 2 STUPID MINUTES OLDER! 120 SECONDS! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE TWICE MY AGE, YOU ARE ONLY 16 like me! Born on the 12 December 1999 like me!"
"What have I ever done to you? Do you hate me?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "McKenzie and Madeleine! Is it necessary to act like this? Arguing about a room! Maddie you'll have the en-suit and Kenz you'll get the room with the balcony, got it?" Mom laid down the rules. Maddie walked to her room as I did to mine.
I decided that I was going to be a new person, maybe I'll convince mom to let me change my name (I really don't want to be seen as Maddie's sister here). I do like the name Logan or Maxie for Maxine. Or even Hanna-Paisley Chippendale. My new name will be Ohana Maxie James. Yes, I'll go with that name. Ohana for my second name, Maxie for Maxine and James for Jameson.
As soon as I unpacked I ran out that front door to explore. There was a café nearby, Ora C. Apparently everyone hangs out there. I went to stand in the queue for an Orange Smiler (a very popular drink at Ora C). A girl quite tall with medium black hair and fair skin stood behind me. I envied her beautiful smile, grey-blue eyes and petit features. "Hi! I'm Avalanche but you can call me Ava." She said with a friendly smile.

"I'm McKenzie."
"You're not from here are you?"
" We just moved here,my mom got offered a job."
"Cool. Well if you wanna hang I could introduce you to best friend, Lucy?" Avalanche pointed to the girl with the short rainbow coloured hair,brown eyes who's just as tall as me.
"Sure, I'd love to meet her."
"Great. Yo Lulu! Come here! This is McKenzie, McKenzie this is Lucy."

"Hey! You're new here right? Love your blonde hair, its like Rapunzel's!" Lucy said

I loved her hair! Green, blue, pink, purple, red, and blonde. Lucy seems very bubbly and sweet. Avalanche was just as nice. I think I found my new besties...................

GUYS I haven't finished the story due to lack of comments please help!?!?!! I NEED SUPPORT!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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Under the Sea:Part one McKenzie JamesonWhere stories live. Discover now