1. Backwards T-Shirt

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Backwards T-shirt

"Adrian, wake up! I need to use the toilet after you!"

Someone was screaming in my ear. I knew without opening my eyes that it was my six year old sister Leah.

I scrunched up my eyes and willed myself to get up. Come on man, you don't wanna be late. Groaning, I unwillingly pushed myself up onto my elbows and inched open my eyes, only to come face to face with a pair of large brown ones.

"Yay! Finally!" cried Leah, pulling me into a hug. How could she be so hyped up at half six in the morning? I guess she was at that age where she got excited over every little thing and ran around the house breaking almost everything in her wake. An age where big brother got blamed for "not looking after her properly, because after all, she was my little sister", to quote the words from my workaholic father.

I groaned again and gently pushed her away from me. She toppled over backwards onto my bed, her black hair spilling messily around her. "Ugh Lay, why did you scream in my ear? You know I'm not a morning person," I asked her, whilst picking her up off my bed and carefully depositing her onto my soft bedroom carpet. She took this opportunity to run around my bed to the other side and attempt to climb back up.

"Mommy told me to. She said that if you don't get up then she's going to throw your breakfast in the bin," said Leah, struggling to get a hold on the covers. Sighing, I got out of bed and grabbed my troublesome sister by the waist, tugging her away from my bed. She screamed and kicked to get out my grasp, and when one of her legs whacked me in the ribs, I had to let go.

She ran squealing out of my room and into the bathroom, obviously forgetting that I was supposed to use it first. She slammed the door shut and I sighed again, rubbing my chest.

What a great start to the morning.


Once I had gotten ready for school, eventually getting my turn in the bathroom, I grabbed my bag, waved bye to mom and Leah, and was out the door and onto the street in seconds.

My school wasn't too far from my house, only about five minutes away on foot. But all the same, I didn't want to be late, so I walked with a brisk pace, my messenger bag bumping against my leg. It was only when I heard my name being called out did I turn my head to see my best friend running towards me.

"Yo, Addy! Wait up, man!" shouted Mark, jogging towards me. I stopped in my tracks and smiled when I saw that his t-shirt was on the wrong way.

"Hey dude," I said, greeting him with a fist bump.

Normally, this would be the part where I would explain how we became best friends, but it's nothing special. It's simple really. Mark lives five doors down from me so we've been walking to school together since the sixth grade. That's how we got to know each other and became good friends. We both like the same music, same types of food, same X-box games and so on.

Aside from his backwards t-shirt, he was wearing his usual red high tops and a pair of faded blue jeans. His dark brown hair was pulled back into its usual tiny pony tail and his blue eyes were twinkling mischievously. His earring caught the sun and winked silver.

"Dude, did you see Miss Blonde this morning? She looked hot! And I mean H-O-T," he said, spelling out the last word for what he thought was my benefit.

Miss Blonde was the nickname we gave to to the woman who lived opposite Mark. She was in her early twenties with bleached blonde hair and a bad orange tan. She wore clothes that could fit Leah and seemed to think that one could never wear too much make up. In other words, a total slut.

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