2. "Good Morning"

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As soon as I walked into the room, I was greeted by the sound of students chattering away, chairs scraping and a spit ball landing right between my eyes.

Wait- what?

I turned my head to the general direction of the soggy paper attack, already knowing who had done it even before I heard the sniggers or saw the flash of dark auburn hair.


Her mocking laughter seemed to echo in my ears and anger me even more. "Hey Ri-Ri!," she sang, her voice full of venom, "Did you like my new way of saying good morning?"

Megan's posse of wannabes threw back their hair and started snorting like a bunch of pigs, whilst Megan just tipped back further in her chair with folded her arms and eyed me with an annoyingly smug grin pasted onto her face. She was surrounded by her usual gang consisting of several girls who pretended to be her friend just to be popular and get boyfriends. Sluts.

I clenched and unclenched my fists, willing myself to calm down. I would not let this girl get to me. It was first lesson Tuesday morning, and the last thing I needed was Megan annoying the hell out of me before the day had even started.

So I completely ignored her and her gaggle of idiots glaring at me, and went to take my usual seat, in between Mark and another girl in my class called Sarah. I liked her because she was kind and quiet, and was always willing to help me when I got stuck. And also, she didn't try to make my life a living hell, as a certain other girl did. Mark always teased me saying Sarah had a crush on me, but I brushed it aside, saying that he was just jealous of me getting all the attention.

However, as I sat down, I noticed that only Robert was beside me, and Sarah's seat was empty. I turned to one of her friends sitting behind me and asked, "Hey, do you know where Sarah is?" The girl simply looked at me from behind her glasses and said that she was ill. I thanked her and was about to turn around when I heard someone pull out the free chair next to me and heavily dump their bag on the ground.

"Hey Ri-Ri, is this seat taken?" My eyes widened in surprise, and then closed in frustration.

Oh hell no.

This couldn't be happening! Hadn't I already suffered enough? Megan didn't think so, because before I could reply, she plopped down onto the chair as I turned to face her. She beamed at me, showing her full set of white teeth, and I had the sudden urge to slap that smile right off her face.

"Actually, Megan, this is Sarah's seat. Your seat is over there. And just in case you forgot, my name is Adrian. A-D-R-I-A-N," I said, spelling out my name slowly, as if I was talking to a child.

Megan blinked at me, before giving me an evil smile; one that would have the ability to murder if looks could kill. "I'm well aware of that Ri-Ri, but since Sarah seems to be absent, I decided to keep you company," she replied, before ripping off another piece of paper and proceeding to roll it up into a ball. Knowing what was coming, I slapped it out of her hands just as she was pulling out the straw that she had tucked behind her ear.

Uh oh, did I just do that? You're gonna get it now Adrian.

Well, she deserved it.

I braced myself, waiting for her to slap me or kick me somewhere only boys could hurt. But she didn't. Instead, she carried on chewing her gum, regarding me with a chillingly calm expression. She's...sparing me?

But then she shoved her head close to mine and looked straight at me, her piercing green eyes boring into mine.

"Well, well, well. Finally decided to fight back eh Ri-Ri?," she whispered. I could feel her minty breath on my face as she leaned closer, leaving only a few centimetres of gap between us.

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