Chapter one

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Sliding my legs through those cold sheets, feeling lonely although I share a bed with my cousin. Surprisingly the electic blanket did not warm up the bed last night, could it be that my cousin's cold attitude cooled the the entire room changing its temperature from a postive to a negative? And even if this was the case how come all this brought a smile to my face?Shhhit I thought to myself that my sanity was evaporating?Nahh that could never happen , I mean look at me! A top-A student like myself could never be related to the untasteful definition of "stupidity"!! Most people say i have an ego,well I just call it confidence at a higher level than yours!!! Gosh I love/hate myself!

My sister Refiloe was the one person who I thought was not talented untill she came banging loudly on my door as if she was training to be a stoned-police officer, as if thats really an occupation and if it was im sure she was already a professional door-banger!! Im a crap talker! Some find it funny and some find it weird but I ,Mmalerato on the other hand find it so normal! Its a daily kind of situation that fits into my personality like a puzzle which you would never dare to build if you were my enemy***sincerly me***

My morning routine before I arrive at school consists of every thing exept eating breakfast...strange right! Tell me about it! Im always late for school and all my peers think its because im constantly having an English breakfast, ooooh if only these idiots knew that Im breakfast-phobic...Oh well there goes my new invented word...ahhh I should consider creating the Mmalerato AKA MmaLee Oxford Dictionary! It would sell like crazy , uhm atleast I hope so.

Going to school is something I dislike but I do it anyway because they say Education is the key to success...ahh I love this quote, personally getting high grades is not a problem for me ,I mean its part of who I am, you know it comes naturally. But I can't stand it when people go through my report and say "wow 80% as your average damn!! You must love school!!"... Come on, the fact that I study hard proves how much I hate school to the extent that I pass all my grades because I dont want to spend extra years there! And if you come to think of it people who fail their grades and delay the process of completing school should be the ones who are seen as people who love school because they want to stay there longer! I wonder why people never think of this...Helloo we have braincells for a reason!!
People say im too brutal, thats quite sad because I see this as honesty at a higher degree than yours**oops** I said it!!

School days are a drag! I have to watch the so called " it girls" control everyone around the school and shake their shorts skirts all around as if they are taking part in a beauty.. nahh actually a ridiculous contest! I have better things to do than to watch people who think they are cool, look pathetic! Even though I am the most opinionated person you could ever come across, I hanged out with the quiet,innocent and calm crew of the school which was described as the "nerdy group"! I loved my friends hey even though people said I only befriended sweet people to gain control over them. What people did not know is that my friends appeared sweet and quiet but they were wild and outgoing!! Ohhh Thank God for these crazy souls and the thing I loved about them the most is the fact that they are honest and trustworthy unlike the rest of the grade! I am more like a straight forward person ,I dont look for corners in a circle and I certainly dont beat about the bush! I tell it like it is! Love me or hate me, it doesn't concern me unless ofcourse if you are my hot and super sexy crush!

Goshh I love guys!!! well I actually love admiring them from a distance because the moment they approach me I feel like running away or disappearing into thick air , I dont know why because when you like a guy and he likes you too, its the perfect time to celebrate but I get kinda sad! I guess i prefer liking guys from a distance. Back in Primary when I heard there was a guy who liked me I would cry in shame and embarrassment but nowadays im getting used to the hang of it! Damn I'm so different from other people ey.

My difference proves how special I am and how ordinary you are! Embracing my differences comes as naturally as you embracing other people's differences.
Only difference is I bake the cake and you just eat it!

ey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter ..please vote and comment***


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