How To Find Love In War

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How to find love in war

{A/n} please comment and vote, i am thirsty for the attention (lol) *kisses and hugs* bye

Leon close his locker and the books for his last class, as he walk through the halls and, of course Carter’s best friend was right there, with his little jock friend.

“Well if it isn’t the swimming team’s little plaything.” He harshly greeted and the jocks laughed.

“Well if it isn’t Carter’s bitch.” Leon retorted rolling his eyes and kept walking but the jocks kept following him.

“We’re you going swim boy?” Wyatt laughed

“To smoke, are you going to watch?” Leon smiled waving an electronic cigarette in his hand.

“You’re not supposed to be inhaling tobacco on school ground.” Leon rolled his and turned and began walking.

As he lit the e-cigarette it was snatched out of his hands. And he looked up, to glare at a very smug Carter.

“Not e-cigarettes either.” He laughed and extended his am back when Leon tried to reach for it.

“Stop being an ass, Carter.” Leon growled.

His smile said ‘he wasn’t giving it back’, so Leon turned and walked toward the math class. Carter frowned at Leon, but was quickly surround by his jock friends to apologize to Leon. Leon rolled his eyes but continued towards the classroom. Even though Leon was a bad boy, he got good grades, (another reason the jocks hated him). The only class he fails in is P.E. and his best friend was texting him while the teacher was still talking.

‘You coming to practice after school’ He texted

‘No, I rather go home :p’ Leon texted him

‘Come on, you know Bryan loves to see you ass in those black speedos (lol)’ Leon almost laughed out loud at the joke.

‘Shut up Liam! U know I can feel it when that guy is watching me’ Leon almost shivered at the thought.

The texting continues for a while, until Leon gives in and decides to go to practice. So after finding a bunch of square root to three dimensional shapes, school was over for the weekend. Leon began his walk toward the pool, but stopped when he saw the jocks hanging by the lunch room, bullying some poor kid, for his money. Leon walked over to them and coughed to get their attention.

“Well if it isn’t-” Wyatt started but Leon quickly shut that down.

“Umm… no, bitch swerve.” Leon pushed passed him and went straight for their boss.

Carter stood there with a poor kid in a headlock, but Leon’s cigarette in the other.

“You want this, you do my science for a week.” He said simply.

Leon simply took out his phone and snapped a picture of Carter with the Cigarette and nerd. Before any of the other Jocks could snatch his phone, He hit the send button on his phone.

“I’ve just sent that to the whole swimming team, if I have any bruises, scars, scrapes or bumps on my body, they will have you suspended. Also I’ll be swimming so if you would please move out of my way.” Leon smirked and chuckled.

Carter growled, but moved out of Leon’s way, Leon walked passed every jock but Wyatt who only smirked.

“What are you looking at?” He sneered

“I like how I can out smart you idiots.” Leon laughed and kept walking.

Once Leon reached the swimming pools, the guys were already swimming; they greeted him as he walked on by towards the locker room. Of course Bryan was standing there against the sink with Leon’s speedos in his hand.

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