Epilogue: I'm sorry what did you say?

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It had been a few years since Master and me got back together. Of course, at first it was a bit awkward because Dimitri stopped being a Dom and me his Sub. Why? Because he wasn't confident in himself anymore, more like he didn't want to hurt me again.

It was only after I knew why I was missing some part of my memory that Master kind of returned to his old self. It seemed like I had PTA (post-traumatic-amnesia) that was caused when the stranger raped me. All the sex we had together made these unpleasant memories came back to me again.

Of course, master and some of his friends who were a doctor and a psychologist were here to help me to get through it. With time and work, I finally succeeded to pass this trauma.

Now back to the present, Master and I are preparing a party tonight. We invited his friends, who were all in this lifestyle, and my family. They were all supposed to arrive soon and I didn't know why, but Master looked kind of tensed... I tried to ask him why and how could I help him to relax, but each time he always told me that he was okay.

I was starting to have some suspicions, but let it pass... No, I would only ask him tonight and if he still have me the same answer then no sex. Yes, you all heard that. Since that day, we both started to communicate a lot more and even if I was his sub/pet, he knew he didn't have all the control in this relationship.

Ding Dong

'I'm going get it, you continue cooking!' shouted Dimitri already running toward the door.

See what I was saying when he was nervous? He wasn't his usual self, calm and composed.

Anyways, I continued to cook, yes I can cook, well I can't do thing too complicated. I was doing a buffet dinner style. I made some Caesar salad, Greek salad, noodle salad, some soup, mashed potatoes, gravy, egg rolls, fried chicken, there was also some spaghetti for the children and other things. I started to cook at 1:00 pm to now which is... 5:27 pm. I sighed, I didn't personally eat a lot, but Master's friends did. We already invited them for dinner, I did food for 7 people, but still didn't have enough, so we had to order some pizza.

I heard people walking into the kitchen, so I looked up and saw my parents and my little brother who was only a few months old.

'He's so small and cute!' I said while washing my hands and went toward my mother. 'Can I hold him?'

'Of course, you can. Here careful... Put your hand here, the other one... Yeah like that.'

I was now holding my brother in my arms, I was happy, excited yet scared. He was so small that I feared that I could harm him. After a few, he woke up and when he saw me, he immediately started to cry. How could a small little thing like him cry so loud?

'Whoa! W-what did I do?' I started to panic.

'Maybe, he pooped?' my dad answered while touching the baby diaper. 'Definitely, he pooped. Here give him to me.'

I carefully put the baby into my father arm and he went off into the living room with my mother following him.

'You like children?' Dimitri asked while wrapping his arms around me.

'Yeah, I do. Maybe we could have one someday?' I asked with hope.

'Yeah, maybe.'

'Anyways, I have to finish cooking or we won't have enough to eat.'

'Will you be finished soon?'

'Yeah, I only have the dessert part left. Can you let me go now?'


'Please master?' I said not too loud because I didn't want my parents to hear.

'No, pet. Try harder.'

I turned around in his arms and started to kiss his jaw, slowly go down to his collar bone.

'Please master?' I asked with my puppy eyes.


I knew he couldn't resist this look.


'Fine!' he finally said letting me go.

'Thank you, master!' I said and gave him a small kiss.

I went back to my flour, eggs and all the things you need to bake a cake.

Little by little, people started to arrive and the house was now full of dom, of sub, some children running around and my parents. They didn't know about our lifestyle, but I think they suspected us to be since the house full of people living in it.

Later tonight, when everyone finished eating all the food I did, we were all sitting in the living room talking and drinking. Everything was perfect until we ended all in a strange silence. Like everyone was waiting for something and I was the only one that didn't.

Suddenly, Dimitri got up and went in front of me then knelt. He started to talk about something. I wasn't really listening because I all my attention were on what he put on my finger. I started to cry and then looked at Dimitri. He was looking at me with a small smile as if he was waiting for me to say something.

'I-I'm sorry... What did you say?' I said slowly while sobbing.

I was saying it so slowly that Dimitri face whiten and I suppose that me crying wasn't helping. He let out a relief sight when he understood what I meant.

'I said will you marry me?'

'Of course, YES!' I was so happy that I jumped on him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him. I was still crying but from happiness.

After he broke our kiss, I was still mumbling yes over and over. I still didn't want to let him go, I was too afraid that it was a dream, that he would fade away.

Master sat back on the couch with me still on his lap. I heard his friends congratulate him and all. I started to drift into sleep, I was exhausted by all the cooking and the emotions. I didn't really want to sleep, but the I heard Dimitri say:

'Sleep pet, next time you wake up, it'll be on our wedding day.'

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