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The true is, that none of us are easy to date, U have to deal with it, if U gonna be our BAE U are gonna to win our heart.... We all got our attitudes & way we do things that make us who we are... U won't be surprise to not like all our opinions & how we think things but you have to deal with it because if You really like be who you are...  THIS IS LIFE! it's possible that we are  not that person but U gonna learn so many things about us ThAT U GONNA LOVE, because that how the intense and passionate we are together....It ISN't A FARIRY TALE, is about something SPECIAL that U willing to work For, and someone who's willing to work with YOU... IT'S SO SIMPLE WE ARE  NEVER GONNA STOP FIGHTING FOR EACH OTHER BECAUSE WE HAVE OUR HEARTS IN EACH OTHER!

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