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                                        The next morning I wake up and look for Daryl and hes not there
I walk to where everyone else is

"Where is Daryl?" I ask
"Run!"Shane says
"Yea of course!" I say

                                       everyone looks at me I grab my gear and head to the door

"Hey, Wait, whats going on with you?" Maggie asks
"Whats going on with me?" I asked angry

                                                 She backs up and Rick walks over

"Whats wrong with me? we can start off by saying why is it always me, Daryl, you, Maggie or Glenn going on the runs? Look there are a lot of others here and they can do something too were always risking our lives for what? people like Shane? Hes a grown ass man he can do something, I mean he sits here and he eats the food we bring in and hes using our weapons and our ammo, he has done nothing!" I say
"Hes helped out he protects the group!" Rick says
"Yea protects them.. right I'm sorry if I don't believe that, Rick we are out there risking ourselves and hes got the easy street, fuck I'll just sit here and I will "protect the group" and sit here safe and never go out there and do anything!" I say

                                          He walks up to me and gets in my face

"I do more around here than you do bitch!" Shane says
"More than I do... Ok so what about this you don't get anything I bring into the group, that means no more food, no more water, no more meds, no more gas, ammo, no more nothing!"I say

                                                                He lifts his hand

"Go ahead ass hole, there is nothing in the world that you can do to me that I haven't already had done to myself or had done, so go ahead asshole hit me with your best shot but one thing You better fucking knock me out cause if you don't your in fucking trouble!" I say
"Am I supposed to be afraid of a little girl?" Shane asks
"Little girl that can kick your fuckin ass!" I say
"Oh yeah right that's why no one wants you here!" Shane yells

                                                           I look at everyone

"Ok. no one wants me here fine, you can explain it to Daryl why I won't be here when he comes back with things for your greedy asses!" I say

                                              I go to walk out and Rick stops me

"Kay, your not leaving, not after all this, hes a jackass but we do need you here you are one of the only ones who know where we are going around here!" Rick says
"I refuse to stay with him here!" I say

                                                I walk up to the room and get my gear and all the supplies I need and begin to head out of the building as Daryl walks in

"Where are you going babe?" Daryl asks
"I'm leaving they all made their mind up I'm not wanted here and that's fine!" I say
"Hell no, you leave so am I, let me get the rest of my things!" Daryl says

                                we walk into the room and Rick walks in

"You guys aren't going anywhere, Shane is a dick I know but I wont have you two leaving because of him!" Rick says
"I've already told you its me or him and he didn't move so!" I say
"Wait it out please we need you here!" Rick says

                                   I look at rick and right when we were going to leave Sophia and Carl come up

"Kay your staying right?" Sophia asks
"Maybe honey go back to your mom you two!" I say
"I'll wait until morning but Rick I swear he goes or I fucking go!" I say

                                              Daryl and I we walk down to everyone 

"This is what we got Its not alot but its something!" I say

                            I give out first the kids then everyone else 

"Here shane!"carol says
"No, he said he don't want what we bring so he can fend for himself!" I say

                        everyone eats and when they eat I walk outside

"Why didn't you have anything?" Rick asks
"There's kids Rick they need it more!" I say

                       Daryl comes out

"Babe what happened?" Daryl asks
"I'm just trying here you know and I work and do so much then to be disrespected like that!" I say
"I know but Kay thanks for staying!" Rick says

                                   we go threw the day
Its night and everyone gets some rest

I LOVE YOU LIKE THE OCEAN (a daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now