Episode 1: The Fairy Tail

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In a land far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore. A small, peaceful nation of 17 million inhabitants and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, body, soul and every market place. For most, magic is a tool, a part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the Wizards. Bonded together into magical guilds they ply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds are found in the landscape of Fiore, but there is a certain one that towers high above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that with no doubt will continue to create legends in the future. Its name is Fairy Tail.

We are in the little town of Hargeon. A train has just arrived at the station, and the worried railway guard rushes to the boy on the ground. "Excuse me, sir?" A blue cat walks towards the boy, talking excitedly. "Come on, Natsu! We made it to Hargeon!" "Is he alright?" The guard asks worriedly. "He's fine," a third person replies. It is a girl, with pinkish hair tied in two long ponytails. "He always gets like this when he travels." She kneels next to Natsu, who groans. "I'm never riding the stupid train again," he is able to say before he gags.

"So he said we could find this Salamander somewhere in this town," the cat says while stepping out of the train. "Let's go!" "Give me a second, please." Natsu hangs out of the window, trying to get rid of his sickness. At that moment, the train starts to move again, with Natsu and the girl still in it. "Happy!" she shouts at the cat. "Noooo!" Natsu shouts while feeling his motion sickness appear again.

"What?" Somewhere else in the town, a blond-headed girl looks at the man in front of her in shock. "You mean to say that there's only one magic shop in this whole town?" "The people in this town aren't magical folk. I reckon most people in town don't even know how to use magic. I have this shop for the Wizards who happen to be passing through." Lucy sighs. "Then I came all this way here for nothing..." The man tries to cheer her up by showing her different goods, which are not what the girl needs. She then sees what she wants. "A Gatekey!" The man stops with his enthusiastic story about a colour-changing spell and walks to the key. "That one's not very powerful, you know." "I know, but I really really want it. So how much?" "20,000 Jewels." It is silent for a moment. Then Lucy tries to bring her charms into this. "Oh, come on, how much is it really worth? Surely you can cut me a deal?" She ends with a blink, only to be disappointed.

Angrily she walks out of the shop. "I can't believe he only knocked off a thousand Jewels! That stubborn old geezer must be blind! That trick usually works. So much for using my feminine charms." She is startled by a lot of cries from exited girls. She hears what is going on from a few ones passing her to make their way to the crowd. "It's Salamander!" "Salamander?" Lucy asks herself, suddenly remembering. "Isn't that the Wizard who uses fire magic you can't even buy in stores?" she yells excitedly. "He's in this dead-end town?" she then mumbles confused, but follows the other girls to meet the Salamander.

"Ah, man," Natsu groans. "I am really feeling bad now." "You've got to get over that motion sickness of yours," Cata says with a smile. "Now I'm so hungry I could eat anything." "It's too bad we don't have any money for food," Happy, the blue cat, joins the conversation. "Hey, Happy, Cata? The Salamander we're looking for has to be Igneel, right?" "Yes, it has to be," Happy agrees. "The only fire dragon I've ever heard of is Igneel." "We're going to look for Aysu someday too, right?" Cata reminds the others of her presence. "Of course, we just haven't heard anything of her yet." They are interrupted by the same screams Lucy had heard. "Salamander!" The three share a surprised glance. They then rush towards the crowd. "Well, speak of the devil! We're in luck today!"

Lucy doesn't understand why her heart is beating so loudly. She had just arrived at the place where Salamander was, and now she feels in love. "You ladies are all so sweet," the man saying he is Salamander says in a seductive voice. The scene is interrupted by a few shouts. "Igneel! Igneel!" Happy, Natsu and Cata storm through the crowd of fangirls. "It's me!" Natsu cries happily, only to fall silent at the sight of the man. Lucy heart stops fluttering and she returns to normal, seeing the scene in front of her. "Who the heck are you?" Natsu then asks the Salamander. He seems shocked by this and tries to explain that he is the famous Salamander, but the trio has already moved on.

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