Peace to My Chaos

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I walked through the rainforest today.

The waterfall nearby doubled as the background to my thoughts.

I walked through the plants and was hit with an epiphany, the sudden realization that you have the same affect on me that water does.

Water seems to make me feel at peace.

It seems to have the ability to take me away from stress.

It makes everything that is not it fade into the background.

Water takes me on the most inevitable zone out - daydream - flight of fantasy.

I’ve never met a person who has been able to do that for me. I’m drawn to you.

You demand my focus without speaking and you get it without even trying.

Maybe it’s the element of your sign.

Today it hit me why you bring peace to my chaos, today it all made perfect sense.

As I walked around the rainforest I delved deeper into the comparison.

Your presence is the water itself, your heartbeat the melodic contact of surface and water connecting, and your embrace equivalent to being gently surrounded by water.

Peace to My ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now