Momentary hangover and Jeff

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I slowly opened my blurry eyes. Almost instantly, my head is hit with an enormous headache. nausea crashes over me and I sit up-a bit too fast- and frantically look for a bathroom.

"bathrooms on your left." I heard a voice say. Who was that again? Oh, right. Happy. I hurriedly dashed to the bathroom and threw up my stomachs contents into the toilet. I sighed and decided to take a shower. After flushing, I stripped and started the water. It sure was hot... for any other person.

{use your fire natsu}

What? Wait... that guy. He knows a lot about me.

{I do. If you have any questions, just ask. But it takes a lot to speak... In this way... I must be going...}

Seeing that he wasn't coming back, I slowly but surely began to engulf my body in flames. Now when the water passed through it would be at a boiling temperature. Absolutely perfect. I relished the relaxing feeling for a few moments before lathering up my salmon hair with shampoo. It had a musky sent. I looked at the bottle and read: OLD SPICE. Well, whatever brand this was, it smelt good. I rinsed it out after a minute and began washing my body. A thought suddenly occurred to me. I remember the simplest of things, like breathing and eating and washing, yet I don't remember anything passed basic survival. Other than Kana, that is. But I felt like... They were fake. Why did I feel this way? Shaking off the thought, I turned off the shower and stepped out. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I rounded the corner and shivered as the cold air hit me like a brick wall.

"Hey Nashu! Your clothes are in that chest by your hammock. You do remember how to dress yourself, right?" Happy teased. I rolled my eyes, flipping up the top of the chest and grabbing a pair of black pants and a red v-neck tee. Those other clothes just felt... Wrong. Foreign almost. I arced my back and stretched my muscles. My head was already almost gone, and so was the nausea. Maybe I heal quickly.

"Hey Nashu, we should start heading to fairy tail. We usually get there earlier, but that's ok cause you're sick." I nodded and was about to exit right after him when he stopped me.

"Wait! Where's your scarf!? You never go anywhere without it." I looked behind me to see the white scarf sitting on too of my hammock. I didn't think it mattered, but I just shrugged and wrapped around my neck like how it was when I first woke up. Happy eyed me warring before flying off. I sighed. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. The trip the ought the woods and town was silent, except the occasional question from me about a place or person. We were nearly there when I asked a question that seemed to catch him off guard.

"Hey, Happy? Why does this scarf matter so much, anyways?" He stopped mid flight. There was a few moments pause before he continued flying, and bit more time before he answered.

"Your adoptive father have it to you before he disappeared." Happy said in a small voice. Woah, was this supposed to be a touchy subject?

{I will inform you on the subject later.}

I nodded slightly, in answer to... That guy. What should I call him? How about... Jeff.


Jeff deadpanned.

{I said no.}

Well, what else do I call you? I don't know your freaking name! It's either your name or Jeff.

{... Fine.}

I smirked in triumph. When I finally focused in on my surroundings, I saw that we were at the guild. I pushed open the door and walked in. One thought circled my mind.

What now?

Shadows fill the memories(a fairy tail fanfic: book one!)Where stories live. Discover now