Letter #9 - Emeline

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Letter #9 - Emeline

Dear Roth,

Thank-you for everything. Really. I am thankful that you have the time to help me, to tutor me and that makes all the difference. I saw some girls going to a local school, Wildabrough High and I thought I could enrol there. A lady said to me as she passed me on the street, 'Why aren't you at school? I shall have to tell Ms Varant about your behavior. You look about a Year 10, I guess.' Is Ms Varant the principal Roth? And what is a Year 10? Is that a school year? Does that give me an age? Ooh Roth, I have so many questions!

Is that a good thing? Me asking you questions. Are they a good thing? Father used to punish me if I asked him a question. He really punished me if I talked to him. That's why I don't talk Roth. People call me a mute. Is that someone who doesn't talk? It's not that I can't talk, I just choose not to. It helps me blend in, even though I still stand out. If there is something that needs saying I will say it just now, I communicate through letters. Through you.

Roth, I have one more question. Why won't you tell me what those words mean? I can tell that they are bad words but I think I can cope. I think I can, really. I don't want people to hurt me anymore, so knowing what those words mean could help me to not take them personally. Please Roth, I am curious now.

Before I go, I want to say that the school-work you set me wasn't overly challenging but I didn't get Question 2B Part D. Can you explain that to me? And Question 4F Part H as well. That was complicated.

Thank-you Roth. Again and again you do things to help me and one day I would like to return that favour. Thank-you Roth.

Yours truly and faithfully,




This is really a filler letter but the next chapter is going to be very different from my normal writing scheme. It will be Roth's letter still, but something is going to go wrong. Well not wrong, just different.

Anyway, @StormRaider has posted a book and I would like it if you went and checked it out. And also, perhaps the other books on this account! Thanks!

Peace, Love and Wattpad!


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