Chapter 1

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~Lindsey POV~
I smile at all the men in the dance room. They all have amazing talent, and this may have been one of the hardest decisions in my life.
"Well boys," I start, rapturing their attention. "This was a very tough decision. You all are amazing and have an amazing gift. Finally, however, I've come to two dancers who I want for my next tour."
The room holds their breath, and I get ready to announce it. "The two dancers are...Stev-o and Pete!"
Everyone erupts in to cheers, and hug the two men. I run over and hug them also.
"Congrats guys!" Anze says. I agree. I think I made the right decision.
Now it's time for the rest of the crew to meet them.
"In here guys." I say to Stev-o and Pete, ushering them into Sweet Frog. Sure enough at our usual table, there's the crew. I grin, and wave as they all stand.
~Gavi POV~
After waiting only about five minutes, Lindsey comes in with the two new dancers. As always, her beauty takes me away.
We stand as she waves, and I hug once she gets close enough.
"Guys," she smiles, "this is Stev-o and Pete. Our new dancers."
We all shake hands. They're pretty cool guys.
For the rest for our time there, we just chat and make jokes. Sometimes Lindsey would laugh enough, she'd need my shoulder for support. Every time she did it however, my heart would skip a beat, then begin to race. My palms would get sweaty, and I'd smile even more.
But why does she suddenly affect me like this?
I fight my brain to recall way back, and I realize.
She always has.
Ever since I met her, she's always made me feel this way. It's just been getting worse recently.
"You okay Gavi?" Lindsey asks, her hand on my hand, and scaring the hell outta me.
"Um, ya." I stutter back. I quickly make up a half fib. "I just haven't been my best lately. I think I might need to lie down."
"Oh I'm sorry." Linds says empathetically. I stand, and she gives me a kiss on the cheek. I grin, kissing her forehead, say good bye to all our crew, and leave.
It takes me only three minutes to get home.
I manage to stumble inside, and get to the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror.
"What's wrong with me?" I demand of my reflection. That's when I see it. It's a picture someone made for me. It's a collage of me and Lindsey. My eyes imedietly fall on the ones when I was hugging her.
"Damn it." I look back at myself. "I'm in love." I gulp.
"With Lindsey Stirling."
As I stayed at home, I began to compullsivly write, 'I'm in love with Lindsey Stirling.' I even ended up writing it on the same bathroom mirror that I realized it in with very fqint expo marker. Now, while I'm scrolling through Lindseytime videos, a loud knock on the doors freaks me out for the second time today. I take a breath, regain my composure, and open the door. My mood brightens imedietly.
It was Beverly and Anna.
I smile, and hug them both. They laugh, holding onto me also. When we pull away, I worlessly usher them inside. While I'm locking the door behind us, my two sisters stand behind me, only to hug me once more when i turn around.
"We missed you so much!" Beverly exclaims.
I'm speachless. "When did you two decide to visit?"
"Well," Anna begins, "we were going to just head up to Oregan, but we both needed to have a rest stop, and we were nearing LA, so we decided to stop by." She smirks. "You are happy to see us, right?" Anna jokes.
"Noo." I say with crazy amounts of sarcasm. Then I grin again. "Duh!" I hug them once more.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom. Be right back." Beverly whispers. I nod, and sit down on the couch with Anna.
~Beverly POV~
I lock the bathroom door, then turn to the mirror. My eye imedietly catches something. I lean over the collage of Jason and Lindsey, and run my finger over the writing.
"I'" I gasp as I continue. "With...Lindsey...Stirling..." My mind refuses to register what it just read. "Holy shit." I mutter under my breath. "He can't be..."
I lost my need to pee.
~Gavi POV~
Beverly comes back out fairly quickly. Something seems to be bothering her, yet she smiles anyway.
"Hey, so, Lindsey is your boss right?" She asks nonchalantly.
My heart leaps at her name. "Yup."
"And your best friend?"
"Uh huh." I know I should be wondering whats going on but I'm too busy thinking about Linds.
"So how do you think being in love with her will work?"
"I-" I start, then whip wide eyed to face Beverly. Her face is calm and serious. Mine probably looks crazy panicked. "How did..."
She remains stony faced. "Jason, I read your mirror."
I slap my forehead. I forgot to erase that.
"Bev..." I begin, not knowing where to actually go with this.
"Jason," she says quietly. Anna is now staring wide eyed in shock at us. "You should've told us. We could help."
I run my hands over my face. "No I couldn't have, Bev. I just realized it today."
Beverly opens her mouth to say so ething, but another knock on the door catches out full attention. Anna stands, and opens the door. I don't see who's standing there until she walks in. My heart skips one too many beats, and my stomach drops.

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